ORCID’s success relies on you, our community, building connections between your systems and the ORCID Registry to enable transparent and responsible information sharing. We work with organizations across every sector […]
Member News
Meet ORCID Member, Orangenius
Orangenius is our first member organization specifically focused on art and artists. Founder and CEO, Grace Cho, tells us more about her company and explains why and how they’re integrating ORCID […]
Registration now open for Tokyo Outreach Meeting
Please join us for the next Outreach Meeting on 4 November 2014, sponsored by ORCID and hosted by the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan. The program […]
ORCID Membership, Sustainability, and Accessibility
Ensuring that everyone in the research community – individuals and organizations – can access and benefit from ORCID is critical to our sustainability. That’s why we are committed to ORCID […]
Meet ORCID Publisher Member, ScienceOpen
Continuing our occasional series of interviews with members of the ORCID community, today meet Stephanie Dawson, CEO of ORCID publisher member ScienceOpen. A longtime ORCID integrator, they have been working […]
Meet ORCID Publisher Member Springer Nature
Springer Nature was one of ORCID’s first members and is also the first major publisher to be awarded our Authenticate, Collect, Display, and Connect badges – joining a growing group […]
Meet ORCID consortium member CSC
More than half our membership is now made up of national or regional consortia. Finland is one of the latest countries to sign a national consortium agreement with ORCID, coordinated […]
Meet ORCID Publisher Member, Taylor & Francis
As a not-for-profit, ORCID relies on the support of our organizational members, including more than 40 publishers. Taylor & Francis is one of those members and in this interview Elaine Devine, their […]
Meet ORCID Institutional Ambassador, Knowledge E
ORCID is lucky in having an active and engaged community, including a group of Ambassadors who help us spread the word about ORCID in their organizations and wider communities. While […]
Supporting Researchers: ORCID and our Publishing Members
Publishers – large and small, nonprofit and commercial – play an important role in the research ecosystem and, therefore, in ORCID’s work. Our publisher members provide researchers an opportunity to connect author ORCID […]