ORCID Members can maintain their membership information via the ORCID Member Portal.
Members can manage:
- Organization name, address and trademark licence
- Public display information which displays on the ORCID member list
- ORCID Membership contact information
Consortia Leads will also have the ability to manage their Consortium Members information too.
Organization name, address and trademark licence
You can manage your organization’s legal name, address and provide us confirmation if ORCID can use your trademarked assets.
- Login to the ORCID Member Portal
- Click ‘Edit organization’ from the homepage

- Make relevant changes
- Click ‘Save changes’
Public Display Information
You can easily manage the information that is displayed on the ORCID member list.

- Make the required changes
- Click ‘Save changes’
The changes may not immediately be reflected on your ORCID member page. If the changes are not reflected within 24 hours then please let us know as [email protected]
Contact Information
Within the homepage we display the membership contact role information that we hold for different contacts at your organization. The functionality allows you to add, edit and delete contacts relating to the membership roles. These contacts may or may not be users of the ORCID Member Portal. All users within the ORCID Member Portal are able to request changes to contact information. This information will be validated by our Engagement team where required.
Please note: If you need to update the users of the portal then this is a different process and you need to follow the steps in the Account Management User Guide.
To maintain your membership contact roles:
- Login to the ORCID Member Portal
- Scroll down to the contact information

- To add a new contact, click ‘Add a new contact’
- Complete the information for the new contact and click ‘Submit new contact’

- To edit a contact, click ‘Edit’ next to the contact

- Update the relevant information

- Click ‘Submit contact change request’
An email will be sent to our Engagement team to process the request. You will receive a copy of the email plus confirmation once completed.
Managing Consortium Members Membership Information (Consortium Leads Only)
Consortia Leads are able to manage their consortium member membership data on their behalf. Consortia Leads can simply click on the member from within the Consortia Leads homepage which will redirect them to the members homepage. Information is updated in the same way using the steps above.
Maintaining Consortium Members (Consortium Leads only)
Consortia Leads have the ability to add and remove member organizations from their Consortium.
Add new members
- Login to the ORCID Member Portal
- Scroll down to the Consortium Members section
- Click ‘Add a new consortium member’
- Populate all fields
- Click ‘Submit new organization request’

Removing Consortium Members
- Login to the ORCID Member Portal
- Scroll down to the Consortium Members section
- Find the member organization within the consortium members list
- Click the trash icon located to the right of the members name
- Add the membership termination date
- Click ‘Remove member from consortium’