ORCID supports the use of ROR identifiers, GRID identifiers, Legal Entity identifiers (LEIs) and Crossref Funder Registry identifiers to disambiguate organizations in ORCID records.
When you add an affiliation to a researcher’s record using our API, you can choose which of these supported organization identifiers to use. Similarly, when you read an affiliation added by another source, the metadata will include an Organization Identifier.
Researchers may add information about their affiliations (employment, education & qualifications, membership & service, invited positions & distinctions) to their ORCID records. As a member, you can help them assert their affiliation with your organization. Affiliations must include your organization’s name and address as well as a unique identifier to disambiguate it. We recommend using a ROR identifier.
Researchers who add an affiliation manually to their ORCID record are prompted to select their organization from a pick-list, which is then linked with a ROR identifier or Crossref Funder Registry identifier automatically.
When you add a funding activity to a researcher’s record via the API, you must include one of the supported organization identifiers.
Researchers who add their funding activities manually to their ORCID record are prompted to select their funder from a pick-list, which enables it to be linked with its Crossref Funder Registry identifier automatically.
Peer review
Information about a researcher’s peer review activities can only be added via the ORCID API. An organization identifier is recommended for the convening organization (the organization which organized the review – a journal publisher, conference organizer, funding agency, faculty, etc). Whenever possible, this should be a ROR identifier.
Determining your Identifier
Note, for the best results, please use the full name of the organization you’re searching for, rather than abbreviations or acronyms.
- ROR provides a free search (no registration required) for locating up identifiers.
- Crossref Funder Registry identifiers can be located in their freely downloadable file.
Updating information attached to your identifier
Since all data about organizations included in ORCID records is maintained by Ringgold, Crossref, GRID, ROR or LEI, please report any updates or corrections to the information about an organization directly to them in the first instance. We regularly scynchronize with each so updates will be captured.
See Write, update, and delete affiliation items for more information.
Although Ringgold identifiers still exist within the ORCID registry, as of 1 August 2023, ORCID no longer receives updates to the RINGGOLD organization identifier database used by our Registry, nor will we be able to process or use RINGGOLD IDs created after that date. See our FAQ for more info.