This page annotates example XML returned when reading a complete ORCID record with the 3.0 API. The example record annotated in this document can be found at
For more on reading a record using the API, see our tutorial on reading data on an ORCID record.
Our Schema XSD is on Github.
Item attributes
<work:work-summary put-code="733535" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/work/733535" visibility="public" display-index="0">
Put code
Each item in the ORCID iD is assigned a put code which uniquely identifies it. When reading an entire record or section, the put code can be found as an attribute of the item. When calling a specific item on a record, the put code is used to identify the item. Put codes are unique within the type of item they refer to. Using this example, only one work in the ORCID Registry will have the put code 733535, though 733535 may also used as a put code for a funding item or a keyword.
The path is the ORCID iD, section, and put-code and is used when reading the individual item.
Display index
Display index is the order of the item on the ORCID record. In the activities section, display index is the order of an item within its group; the preferred version has the highest display index. In the person section, display index is the order in which the researcher has ranked the item with the section; the first item in a personal information section has the highest display index. Items added via the API have a default display index of 1 and appear at the top of the section until moved by the researcher. The display index determines the order of the items when reading records too.
Visibility indicates the privacy setting of the item, based on the user’s set visibility preference. If a visibility tag is included when information is posted via the API, it will be ignored. Instead the information will be posted per the user’s default visibility preference as set in their account preferences.
Public items can be read by anyone via the API and are shown on the researcher’s public record, Trusted party items are only returned via the API to clients who have read-limited access; they are not on the researcher’s public record. Private items are visible only to the researcher and the source of the item – the only private items returned via the API are those which were added to the record via your integration. More about visibility settings in the ORCID Registry.
Create and last modified dates
All items on the ORCID record include metadata about when they were created and when they were modified. These dates are hierarchical; the create date for the section is set to when an item was first added to that section, and the last modified date of sections and groups will match the latest last modified date of any item within the section or group. Created and last modified dates will be returned even if the information they refer to is private. The date is presented as year, month, day, followed by the time given in UCT. Information which has not been edited since it was created will have the same create date and last modified date.
Fields which can be edited by either the API or the user include the ORCID iD and the name of the client which added the information.
If the user is the source, the user’s ORCID iD and name will be returned. (If the user has their name’s visibility setting as “only me” or “trusted parties” the <common:source-name> tag will not be returned.
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
External ids
Identifiers for items on the ORCID record are recorded using the common external-ids tag, this includes identifiers in the person, works, funding, and peer review sections. The identifier is described in four fields:
- External id type is required and records the type of identifier (identifiers in the works, funding, and peer review sections must a supported identifiers)
- External id value is required and contains the identifier itself
- External id URL is optional and contains a link the identifier will resolve to
- External id relationship is required and indicates if the identifier refers to the item itself (such as a DOI for an article or a person identifier) or is the identifier is for a whole that the item is a part of (such as an ISSN for a journal article, or an ISBN for a book chapter); part of identifiers are not used when grouping items. Identifiers can also be for alternate versions of the work, and can be grouped with self and version of identifiers
Dates are recorded with the year, month, and day in separate tags. Date tags are optional and can be used as a combination of all three tags, just year and month, or just year. Adding a start date without an end date indicates that the item is ongoing and the end date will display as “to present” on the record.
All ORCID iDs expressed in a record use the same elements: uri, which is the full URI to the record; path, which is the 16-digit ORCID identifier; and host, which is the domain the record is on.
These common tags are used to record the name, location, and identifiers for organizations in the education, employment, funding, and peer review sections. When referencing an organization, the city and country under the address are required. When adding an organization, a disambiguated identifier is required. We currently support LEI, GRID ID, or a Crossref Funder Registry ID.
<common:name>University of Tampere</common:name>
The first element when calling a record is the ORCID iD. It is returned in the standard format for all ORCID iDs.
The preferences section records the language the user selected when viewing their ORCID record. The languages are listed in ISO 639-1 Code, with the exception of Chinese: Simplified is zh_CN, and traditional is zh_TW.
The history section has information about the creation and current status of the record:
- creation-method: How the record was created. The options are “Direct” or “Website” – when a user signed up for the record directly at; “Member-referred” – when the user was sent to the ORCID OAuth registration page by a client integration and signed up as part of granting authorization; or “API” – when the record was created on behalf of the researcher by their institution (The API create process is no longer supported by ORCID)
- creation-date: This field is only on records that were created using the API on behalf of the researcher by their institution; it is the date the institution created the record
- submission-date: The date the record was created by the user if the creation method is Direct, Website, or Member-referred, or if the creation method is API; it is the date the researcher claimed the record
- claimed: Shows that the record has been claimed by the researcher. All records created by the researcher will have this field set to true. A small number of records that were created by an institution for a researcher and that have not been accessed by the researcher will have the claimed status set to false – note that this option was only available for a short period of time and is no longer allowed
- verified-email: If any email address on the record has been verified, this will be set to true (to verify an email address the user must prove they have access to that email address inbox by following a link sent to them)
- verified-primary-email: If the primary email address on the record has been verified
<person:person path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/person">
The given-names, family-name and credit-name are the names the researcher goes by, and can only be edited by the researcher (which is why no source information is returned in this section). While given-names is a required field on all records, this section can be set to private by the researcher. More about names in the ORCID registry.
<person:name visibility="public">
<personal-details:credit-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</personal-details:credit-name>
Other names
Other names is a repeatable field to capture other names the researcher may be known by. In this example, the record has three other names, all of which were added by the researcher. As with all sections in the record, there is a last-modified-date which matches the latest last modified date of the most recently edited item in the section.
<other-name:other-names path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/other-names">
<other-name:other-name put-code="15812" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/other-names/15812" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<other-name:content>Sofia Maria Garcia</other-name:content>
<other-name:other-name put-code="15813" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/other-names/15813" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<other-name:content>София Мария Эрнандес Гарсия</other-name:content>
<other-name:other-name put-code="15814" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/other-names/15814" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<other-name:content>索菲亚玛丽亚 加西亚</other-name:content>
The biography field is non-repeatable and can only be edited by the researcher. Since only the researcher can edit this field, no source information is included.
<person:biography visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/biography">
<personal-details:content>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia is the researcher that is used as an example ORCID record holder.</personal-details:content>
Researcher URLs
Researcher URLs (labeled as websites on the record) link to other webpages about the researcher. Each webpage has a url tag, which is the link to the webpage itself, and an optional url-name tag. In this example, the first website, which has the name “Wikipedia Page,” has been added by an API client, which is reflected in the source. The display index lets us know the researcher has sorted this website to appear at the top of the websites list on their record, but the researcher has also given this website a limited visibility setting (Trusted Parties) so it is not shown on the public record.
<researcher-url:researcher-urls path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/researcher-urls">
<researcher-url:researcher-url put-code="41094" visibility="limited" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/researcher-urls/41094" display-index="2">
<common:source-name>Frontiers ORCID Sandbox</common:source-name>
<researcher-url:url-name>Wikipedia Page</researcher-url:url-name>
<researcher-url:researcher-url put-code="41387" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/researcher-urls/41387" display-index="1">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
Email addresses
Email addresses can only be edited by the researcher. Keep in mind that email addresses default with the visibility setting ‘only me’ and most users do not change that status, so often when reading a record an email address will not be returned.
<email:emails path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/email">
<email:email visibility="public" verified="true" primary="false">
<email:email visibility="public">
<common:source-name>City University of Hong Kong</common:source-name>
The address field records countries or regions that the researcher works or has worked in. The countries are returned in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format. In this example one country has been added by the user and one by a client integration.
<address:addresses path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/address">
<address:address put-code="4556" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/address/4556" display-index="2">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<address:address put-code="4560" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/address/4560" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>State University</common:source-name>
The keywords sections is for words and phrases that describe the researcher’s areas of study. In this example, there are three keywords: two added by the researcher and one by a client integration. The client integration and the researcher have entered the same keyword, “QA and testing”, on the public ORCID record. This keyword will only appear once, with both sources listed. Using the API, both keywords and all associated metadata are returned separately.
<keyword:keywords path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/keywords">
<keyword:keyword put-code="4504" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/keywords/4504" display-index="3">
<common:source-name>Frontiers ORCID Sandbox</common:source-name>
<keyword:content>QA and testing</keyword:content>
<keyword:keyword put-code="4603" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/keywords/4603" display-index="2">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<keyword:content>QA and testing</keyword:content>
<keyword:keyword put-code="4604" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/keywords/4604" display-index="1">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<keyword:content>Additional keyword</keyword:content>
External Identifiers
Person external identifiers record identifiers and links to the researcher in other systems. Like all identifiers, the personal external identifier is described using the tags: type, value, url, and relationship. However, personal identifiers should always have the relationship set to “self.” The researcher cannot add external identifiers to the record manually, they must be added by a client integration using the API. In this example, the researcher has not sorted the identifiers added to their record, so the display index on both is “0.”
<external-identifier:external-identifiers path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/external-identifiers">
<external-identifier:external-identifier put-code="3193" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/external-identifiers/3193" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>Frontiers ORCID Sandbox</common:source-name>
<common:external-id-type>Loop profile</common:external-id-type>
<external-identifier:external-identifier put-code="3294" visibility="public" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/external-identifiers/3294" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>State University</common:source-name>
<common:external-id-type>Personal External Identifier</common:external-id-type>
The activities sections record information about the researcher’s work and outcomes, enabling them to get recognition for a wide range of contributions and affiliations. There are eleven subsections.
<activities:activities-summary path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/activities">
The Distinction section is used for recording honorary or other awards and distinctions the researcher has received in recognition of their achievements, such as a trophy, medal, or honorary degree.
<distinction:distinction-summary put-code="0" visibility="private" display-index="0">
<common:source-name />
The Education section records the educational institution(s) where the researcher has studied. It uses the same fields as the Employment section: department-name and role-title for specific information about the researcher’s field(s) of study and the degree(s) awarded; the common date tags to identify when the researcher was affiliated with this organization; and the organization tags to identify the educational institution. We recommend using the highest level organization when adding an education item (i.e. not listing the organization at the department level) and always including the disambiguated organization information. This example has one education item added by a client application.
<activities:educations path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/educations">
<education:education-summary put-code="22423" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/education/22423" visibility="public">
<common:source-name>State University</common:source-name>
<education:department-name>Testing Department</education:department-name>
<common:name>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</common:name>
The Employment section records where the researcher is or has been employed. It uses the same fields as the Education section: department-name and role-title for specific information about the department the researcher worked in and their role; the common date tags to identify when the researcher was affiliated with this organization; and the organization tags to identify the educational institution. We recommend using the highest level organization when adding an employment item (i.e. not listing the organization at the department level) and always including the disambiguated organization information. This example has one employment item added by the user.
<activities:employments path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/employments">
<employment:employment-summary put-code="22411" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/employment/22411" visibility="public">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<employment:department-name>QA and Testing</employment:department-name>
<employment:role-title>Test account holder</employment:role-title>
Invited Position
This section is used for paid or unpaid positions such as visiting lectureships, emeritus professorships, and other invited positions.
put-code="0" visibility="private" display-index="0">
<common:source-name />
This is where information about the researcher’s membership of an association or society — paid or gratis — is recorded.
<membership:membership-summary put-code="0"
visibility="private" display-index="0">
<common:source-name />
In addition to educational qualifications (which are recorded in the Education section), information about other types of qualifications can also be added to ORCID records. This section is where participation in professional and vocational courses, accreditation, certification, and other training is recorded. .
put-code="0" visibility="private" display-index="0">
<common:source-name />
Any form of service provided by the researcher as part of their professional activities is recorded here. This includes serving on a society or editorial board, review service, extension work, and more.
<service:service-summary put-code="0"
visibility="private" display-index="0">
<common:source-name />
The Funding section records monetary awards the researcher has received to support their work. As with works and peer review, funding items that share a common external identifier are grouped together under a single activities:group tag, with the display index indicating their order within the group. Not all details of a funding item are returned when reading an entire record; to get the details of a particular item, use the put code to call it individually. This example has just one funding item added by the user.
For more information about funding and the individual fields. please see our Funder and Grants workflow.
<activities:fundings path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/fundings">
<funding:summary put-code="4413" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/funding/4413" visibility="public" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>Grant System Sandbox Test</common:source-name>
<common:title>Grant title</common:title>
Peer Review
The Peer Review section of the record captures the researcher’s review and service activity. As with funding and works, peer review items are grouped together using the group tag. The group can be a journal, publisher, or other organization and is assigned when the peer review item is added to ORCID. Peer review items can only be added by the API; the user is not able to enter new items in this section. Not all details of a peer review item are returned when reading an entire record; to get the details of a particular item, use the put code to call it individually. In this example, there is one peer review item added by a client integration.
For more about the peer review and the individual fields, see our peer review workflow.
<activities:peer-reviews path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/peer-reviews">
<peer-review:summary put-code="1374" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/peer-review/1374" visibility="public" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>State University</common:source-name>
<common:name>Journal of Psychoceramics</common:name>
The works section records the researcher’s professional outputs. As with funding and peer review, works are grouped together by matching external identifiers using the activites:group tag. Not all details of a work are returned when reading an entire record; to get the details of a particular item, use the put code to call it individually. In this example, two versions of the same work (both with DOI 10.1087/20120404) are on the record, one added by the researcher and another by a client application. The two versions are grouped together and the display-index lets us know the version added by the researcher is the preferred version.
For more about works and the individual fields, see our journal article workflow.
<activities:works path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/works">
<work:work-summary put-code="733536" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/work/733536" visibility="public" display-index="1">
<common:source-name>Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia</common:source-name>
<common:title>ORCID: a system to uniquely identify researchers</common:title>
<work:work-summary put-code="733535" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/work/733535" visibility="public" display-index="0">
<common:source-name>State University</common:source-name>
<common:title>ORCID: a system to uniquely identify researchers</common:title>
</work:work-summary> </activities:group>
Research Resources
The Research Resources section is for recording the specialist resources that researchers use for their research, and which typically require a specific proposal process or credential to access. This includes infrastructure (such as facilities and buildings), equipment, service, and special collections (digital and physical) used for research purposes.
For more about research resources and the individual fields, see our research resources workflow
<activities:research-resources path="/8888-8888-8888-8880/research-resources">
put-code="1234" path="/0000-0003-0902-4386/research-resource/1234" visibility="public">
<-- common metadata -->
<common:source-name>XSEDE ORCID integration</common:source-name>
<!-- proposal title and host(s) -->
<research-resource:proposal> <!-- proposal/award/credential section -->
<common:title>Giant Laser Award</common:title>