Peer review is an essential component of the research and scholarly lifecycle. And yet, researcher peer review activities are rarely acknowledged as a fundamental contribution to research. At the same […]
Integration News
Enabling Publication Workflows: Persistent identifiers in article submissions
Alison McGonagle-O’Connell is the Marketing Manager at Aries Systems Corporation, creator of cloud-based workflow solutions for scholarly publishers. Within the scholarly publishing community, Alison is a member of SSP, the […]
ORCID Partners with and NIF on Helmsley Trust-Supported Open Annotation Project
The Project together with partners at the Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) and ORCID has been awarded a 3-year, $2.2M grant by the Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable […]
Fuelling your CRIS – ORCID iDs as a tool for research intelligence
There is a growing international network of sophisticated research management systems, and it is beginning to change the way that research information is exchanged, analysed and understood. This was part […]
iAuthor与ORCID: 中国科学院文献情报中心支持中国研究人员获得国际识别号
[由中科院文献情报中心报道,见] 对中国科研人员来说,姓名歧义是一个严重问题。不仅因为许多学者拥有一样的姓,那些在英文期刊上发表文章的研究人员也需要解决与研究活动相关的名字的音译和多版本问题。而且,研究人员用中文发表的研究成果很难在英文搜索界面可见和被发现。 中国科学院文献情报中心致力于解决中国研究者名称识别问题。正如中国科学院文献情报中心主任、中国图书馆学会专业图书馆分会理事长张晓林教授所说:“我们充分认识到研究者唯一标识的重要性,特别是中国研究者,比如张姓在中国就有九千万人。中国科学院文献情报中心愿意与ORCID共同努力在中国科学院乃至全国推动赋予研究人员一个国际化的唯一标识号。”为了实现这一目标,中国科学院文献情报中心积极与有影响的数据库服务商和中国的出版机构进行合作,包括Web of Science、中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)、中文社会科学引文索引(CSSCI)、中国科学院自然科学期刊编辑研究会,中国高校科技期刊研究会和许多重要的科研机构和高校图书馆。10月28日,中国科学院文献情报中心开发的iAuthor平台(正式启动服务,成为中国研究者快速注册ORCID的服务门户。 iAuthor简单地通过三步为研究者提供识别服务。首先,iAuthor帮助研究者注册一个ORCID号或关联到已有的ORCID号。其次,帮助研究者创建一个永久的个人主页。最后,支持研究者在iAuthor和ORCID之间同步个人信息和著作信息,轻松获取研究者使用ORCID iD发表文章和相关的数据集的信息。 ORCID是一个用户驱动的系统,它发展的关键是研究者在科研交流各个环节使用ORCIDid。中国科学院文献情报中心积极宣传推广ORCIDid,并且iAuthor系统受到了越来越多中国科学院的研究人员和中国的大学、研究所和出版社的关注。NSTL数据研究管理中心副主任张建勇表示:“我们很高兴越来越多的研究人员已经认识到ORCID的价值。”除了注册唯一标识符,中国科学院文献情报中心推动中国研究者丰富他们的中文和各种音译姓名,并确认他们的著作、服务机构和其他信息。 为保证工作的可持续性和影响力,中国科学院文献情报中心和ORCID正式签署了合作框架,共同致力于将ORCID标识符应用集成到科学交流的各个环节,并在工作流规范和服务发展方面深入合作。 【iAuthor战略合作伙伴[从左到右:郭利,汤森路透中国区总裁;甘友斌,华中科技大学图书馆副馆长;张晓林,中科院文献情报中心主任;Laure Haak,ORCID执行总裁;颜帅,中国高校科技期刊研究会秘书长。] Blog
iAuthor and ORCID: Supporting International Identifiers for Chinese Researchers at the National Science Library of the Chinese Academies of Sciences
[读这篇文章在中国] Name ambiguity is a serious issue for Chinese researchers. Not only do many share a common surname, those researchers who publish in English-language journals have to contend with transliteration […]
Identification of Early Career Researchers: How Universities and Funding Organizations are Using ORCID
Funding agencies, universities, and research institutes all face challenges of reliably identifying their researchers and monitoring outcomes over time. All researchers—and especially early career researchers seeking to establish their careers—need to be […]
Suggested Practices for Collection and Display of ORCID iDs in Publishing Workflows
For ORCID identifiers to become part of the metadata on published works, publishers must embed the identifiers in the submission and production workflow. Publishers including the American Physical Society and […]
ORCID and Europe PubMedCentral Linked
ORCID users: You can now link to your articles in Europe PubMedCentral (PMC) directly from the ORCID user interface. Using the new search and import tool makes it easy for […]
NIH testing ORCID iDs in the ScienCV platform
The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) is a new ORCID subscriber. “I am really excited to hear that NIH will be joining Wellcome Trust in working to embed ORCID identifiers […]