*This post was was authored by scite co-founder and CEO, Josh Nicholson. As a researcher, it’s important to be able to check how a scientific article has been cited—and to […]
Better Together: SmartSimple Software Is Now an ORCID Certified Service Provider
*This post was originally shared on the SmartSimple Software blog and was authored by SmartSimple’s Geoff Cook. At SmartSimple Software, our day-in-day-out goal is to simplify granting and research processes, […]
DOE OSTI Search & Link Wizard Added to ORCID
To ensure Department of Energy (DOE)-funded researchers are easily and accurately connected to their works to facilitate the acknowledgement, citation, discovery, and reuse of information, ORCID added the DOE Office […]
Use Your ORCID Record to Build Your Career: An Interview with Dr. Adriana Romero-Olivares
Dr. Romero-Olivares, assistant professor at New Mexico State University, discusses how ORCID has helped contribute to her academic career.
ARTiFACTS and ORCID: A Trusted Partnership Expanding Scientific and Academic Research Output
with Dave Kochalko, Co-Founder and President of ARTiFACTS As a blockchain platform for scientific and academic research, ARTiFACTS allows researchers to create a permanent, real-time record of all research outputs and […]