We are delighted to announce the establishment of the ORCID consortium in Colombia and to share its journey. This consortium is the result of strong collaboration between ORCID and Consortia, the […]
¡Grandes logros en Perú!
¡Han pasado casi dos años desde nuestro artículo “ORCID en Latinoamérica: Novedades“, en el cual celebramos los logros de CONCYTEC como un verdadero pionero de ORCID y el primer miembro […]
Great achievements in Peru!
It has been almost two years since our “Collect & Connect: Focus on Latin America” post, when we celebrated CONCYTEC’s achievements as a true ORCID pioneer as the first member in […]
Brasil na liderança da pesquisa aberta
Este post foi escrito em co-autoria com Laure Haak, Diretora Executiva da ORCID A pesquisa brasileira está se tornando mais visível internacionalmente. O número de artigos publicados aumentou substancialmente, com […]
Brazilian Leadership in Open Research
This post was co-authored with Laure Haak, ORCID’s Executive Director Brazilian research is becoming more visible internationally. The number of articles published has increased substantially, with an average growth of […]
Consórcio brasileiro ORCID: Construindo uma comunidade
A Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nïvel Superior (CAPES) e a ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor iD) firmaram uma parceria inédita em dezembro de 2017, para adoção consorcial e […]
The ORCID Brazil Consortium: Building a Community
In December 2017, CAPES and ORCID signed an unprecedented partnership, for a national consortium to enable coordinated adoption of ORCID iDs for researchers in research information systems. The ORCID Brazilian […]