I posted a blog earlier this year about how to specify ORCID iDs in the NLM DTD. As many of you know, there are multiple NLM DTDs, and that blog referred to the PubMed E-Utility 2013 DTD, the DTD publishers use to send data to NLM/Pubmed. A number of journals have contacted ORCID since that post asking about the NLM 3.0 Journal Publishing Tag Set DTD, also known as the blue DTD. This is the tag set used by many journals for the actual article file, and to transmit article information from one IT system to another–such as manuscript submission to production. Here we describe the Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Version 1.0 and the Cadmus Input Metadata DTD v. 2.44. In both cases, the full ORCID iD URI is used, consistent with our Display Guidelines.
NISO JATS Version 1.0
NISO has developed a best practice for tagging ORCID iDs in the blue DTD, called the Journal Publishing Tag Library NISO JATS Version 1.0. Here is the specification. Please note the %contrib-id-type attribute on <contrib-id> and the use of the full URI.
<contrib-id>Contributor Identifier
One identifier for a person such as a contributor or principal investigator. This element will hold an ORCID, a trusted publisher’s identifier, a JST (Japanese Science and Technology Agency) identifier, or an NII (National Individual Identifier).
content-type Type of Content
contrib-id-type Contributor Identifier Type
specific-use Specific Use
Content Model
<!ELEMENT contrib-id %contrib-id-model; >
Expanded Content Model
Text, numbers, or special characters
This element may be contained in:
<contrib>, <principal-award-recipient>, <principal-investigator>
<contrib-id contrib-id-type=”orcid”>https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097</contrib-id>
<degrees>BA, MA</degrees>
Cadmus DTD v 2.44
But wait, there is more! For those using the Cadmus Input Metadata DTD, version 2.44 has added an optional element <person-id> in %authors. The attribute type defaults to “internal”, and may be set to internal, other, orcid, or membership.
<!ELEMENT person-id (#PCDATA)>
<ATTLIST person-id type (internal | membership | orcid | other) “internal”>
<person-id type=”orcid”>https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1825-0097</person-id>
Many thanks to Kevin Lawson and Joel Plotkin