Funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the ORCID Adoption and Integration Program provided external funding for universities and science and social science professional associations to integrate ORCID identifiers, support the collaborative elicitation and documentation of use cases and open source code, and establish a collaborative venue for disseminating best practices. This program was completed in 2014. A summary report is available online.
After a competitive solicitation, nine projects were awarded grants. Grantees began their ORCID integration projects in Fall 2013 and presented on their prototype integrations at the Spring 2014 ORCID Outreach Meeting in Chicago on May 21-22, 2014. Slides and video recordings are available online from that event.
Partnering institutions have completed their integrations, shared integration source code and lessons learned with the ORCID community through our GitHub open source repository, and now serve as reference sites for organizations planning similar integrations. For more information on ORCID implementation, see our Member Support Center.
Sloan Grant Member Use Cases
As part of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation-funded Adoption and Integration Program, we are collecting use cases from participating institutions. The preliminary mid-project use case reports are linked below and include:
- An overview of each case
- Contact information for project personnel who have agreed to serve as a resource to other organizations interested in a similar integration.
General program integration categories
- Integration of ORCID identifiers into the UND Institutional Repository (IR) and creation of a Hydra ORCID Integrator Plug-in that can be re-used by any Project Hydra institution implementing the Hydra stack/Fedora Commons open source IR tool.
- Integration of ORCID identifiers into HUBzero open source platform for supporting research collaboration, including research data life cycle management, open educational resources, and data archival and citation support.
- Pilot on three different HUBzero instances: nanoHUB, the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR), and HABRI Central.
- Dissemination of integration source code to the other 50+ institutions using HUBzero.
- Integration of ORCID identifiers into an international biological pathways knowledge base data center.
Professional Societies
- Integration of ORCID identifiers into its Association Management System (AMS) (Personify) to support management of information about its 42,000 members.
- SfN use case is available in associations resources.
Researcher Information/CRIS Systems
- Directly integrate ORCID into the upcoming release of Profiles, available to 30+ institutions using this researcher profile platform.
- Expand adoption beyond faculty to postdocs, graduate students, and undergrads through record creation and outreach activities.
- HR/Active directory integration.
- Establish a Wiki to support ORCID resource sharing.
- Integration into the VIVO open source researcher profiling system, first at Cornell and then in VIVO source code available to other VIVO users.
Multi-faceted integrations
- Create ORCID identifiers for its 10,000 graduate students.
- Integrate ORCID identifiers into the open source Vireo electronic theses and dissertations (ETD) workflow and the university’s digital repository.
- Integrate into the internally-used VIVO profile system.
- Integration of ORCID iDs into LDAP/campus directory.
- Develop outreach materials for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.
- Disseminate project outcomes to the ETD and repository communities.
- Integrate ORCID identifiers into their Faculty information System (FIS) to support access and reporting at CU-Boulder and CU-Colorado Springs.
- Support the FIS publication data ingest process using Symplectic Elements and other sources.
- Share ORCID iDs through SPARQL endpoint with the American Psychological Association.
Preliminary mid-project use case reports
ORCID aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications by providing a registry of persistent unique identifiers for individual researchers and—through embedding in key workflows—links between ORCID, other ID schemes, and research works. Adoption of ORCID by the research community enhances discovery and reporting processes by supporting systems interoperability.
For more information about the A&I Program, please see this blog and read the project summary report.