A few months ago, we announced the launch of the ORCID in repositories task force. This group, chaired by Michele Mennielli, International Membership and Partnership Manager at DuraSpace, was charged with reviewing and providing feedback on proposed recommendations for supporting ORCID in repository systems. In an unprecedented show of interest, we received over 40 applications from individuals interested in joining the task force.
Gathering input from across the repository community is a key priority for this project. However, due to constraints of time, space, and telecommunications, the size of the task force had to be limited. With diversity a primary driver, 15 members were selected, representing 12 countries (on 6 continents!) and a variety of organization types. Now, after several months of scrutinizing documents and meeting across far-flung timezones, the task force is releasing its Draft recommendation: Supporting ORCID in repository systems for public review and comment.
The recommendation is open for comment through November 15, 2018. You may comment directly in the draft. We invite you to share the document widely with your peers and colleagues who have an interest in the use of ORCID in repositories. You may send us your comments by email to [email protected] if you’d prefer to remain anonymous on the public document. After the comment period, the task force will review the feedback and incorporate it into its final recommendation.
Our goal is to publish the final version of the document in December 2018, after which we will launch work to incorporate the recommendations into our existing workflow documentation for repositories. In parallel, we look forward to working with the repository community to adopt the recommendations, including informing the work of Projects Governance of open source platforms supported by DuraSpace.
Thank you in advance for your feedback!