The contributor field in works and funding allows member integrations to list the researchers who have collaborated on a work or are party to a funded project.
For both funding and works, it is possible to include the contributor’s ORCID iD alongside the role. We suggest you add contributor’s ORCID iDs only if you have authenticated the ORCID iD, or have collected the ORCID iD from a source which has authenticated it. Multiple roles can be added.
The contributor sequence is used to indicate where in the contributor list the collaborator or other contributor’s names should appear. The 2 options that we support are:
- First
- Additional
Roles for works API 2.0
The below is the list of supported contributor roles using API 2.0.- author
- assignee
- editor
- chair-or-translator
- co-investigator
- co-inventor
- graduate-student
- other-inventor
- principal-investigator
- postdoctoral-researcher
- support-staff
Roles for works API 3.0
With API 3.0, you can add the roles above plus additional CRedIT roles. The CRediT taxonomy consists of 14 contribution types to scholarly work, along with guidelines on how these roles may be assigned. Below is the complete list with the UI value and the metadata value. The metadata value is the URL as per the NISO implementation recommendations ‘CRediT should be coded in JATS xml v1.2, described via this link:’ Only the URL will be accepted when adding roles via the API.Example work contributor metadata: 0000-0001-5109-3700 Laure L. Haak first author
Roles for funding
- lead
- co-lead
- supported-by
- other-contribution