As a result of our discussions with publishers, vendors, and researchers we have developed an initial record summary prototype. We’re hoping to make it easier for editors to find and understand information within ORCID records and surface the trust markers that can help you make decisions about the trustworthiness of an ORCID record.
What information is displayed within the summary?
Depending on what public data is available within the author’s ORCID record will depend on what information will be displayed. The below are the list of items that may be displayed:
- Name or published/credit name – If the record has a published name then this will display but if not the name will display
- Affiliations – This section displays employment items only. Organization name with a link to the affiliation url( if included), Role, dates (if included) These display in chronological order from newest to oldest. 3 affiliations are shown if applicable with an additional count of further affiliations on the record.
- Works – a count of validated works and self asserted works
- Peer review – a count of validated peer review items. Please note that this will only show a count of validated items as users are not able to manually add peer review to their records
- Funding – a count of validated funding and self asserted funding
- Professional activities – this section displays the most recent 3 Membership, Service, Invited Positions and Distinction items. These display in chronological order from newest to oldest.
- Other identifiers – This section displays the other identifiers that have been connected with the user’s ORCID iD. For example, Scopus Author ID, ISNI or ResearcherID
- Key Dates – Dates include the date the record was created and the date the record was last updated

What is the difference between the validated and self asserted items?
The source icon that is displayed next to the different items show if the item was added to the authors record by a trusted ORCID member organization or by the author themselves
- Validated – Added by a trusted ORCID member organization
- Self asserted – Added directly by the author

Why is there no information displayed apart from key dates?
Individual control is a core principle of the ORCID Trust program. ORCID record holders control what information is added to and deleted from their ORCID record, with fine-grained control over the visibility of the information, and control over which trusted organizations and trusted individuals can access their record to read, write, or update their information.
The ORCID iD is always publicly available but the record holder can control the visibility settings of all other items within their record. The summary will only display items that have the visibility setting of ‘Everyone’ as these display on the users public version of their ORCID record.
Why does the record show that it’s locked, deprecated or deactivated?
When an ORCID record has one of the above statuses then no public data is available on the ORCID record.
- Locked = record does not comply with our terms of service

- Deprecated = record has been deprecated into another ORCID iD

- Deactivated = record has been deactivated by the user