You will need to fill in the form to register a client application. Below is a quick overview of the requested fields:
Name of organization: Your ORCID member organization name
Primary contact email address for credentials: We will use this email address to send you the credentials in an encrypted email, and to contact you if any questions or errors come up with your integration
Secondary email for password: An email address that we can send your encrypted email password to.
Name of your client: This will be your ORCID member organization name. If you have more than 1 integration then we will append the application to the name.
URL of the homepage of your application: Displayed as a link on the list of trusted organizations within the users ORCID trusted parties page. This should be a link back to your organization or the main page of your application.
Short description of your client application: This text will be displayed on the authorization screen with the question mark icon to your integration users. A short description of your integration is required
Redirect URIs: Once the user has authorized your application, they will be returned to a URI that you specify. You must provide these URIs in advance or your integration users will experience an error.
- Only HTTPS URIs are accepted.
- Domains registered must exactly match the domains used, including subdomains.
- Register all redirect URIs fully where possible.
- More than 5 redirect URIs required? Please indicate this in the Notes for ORCID staff.
Notes for ORCID staff: Use this field to let ORCID staff know anything additional about your request or your integration