All items (apart from the biography text) on an ORCID record have a put code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<record:record path="/0000-0001-2345-6789" xmlns:internal="" [...]>
<funding:funding-summary put-code="4413" path="/0000-0001-2345-6789/funding/4413" visibility="public" display-index="0"> [...]
This put code can be used to make a call to the API to retrieve the full data for an item. The following items can be queried using a put code:
Endpoint | Description |
/address/[put code] | An individual country or region |
/biography | The biography field: a free text area that only the researcher can edit |
/education/[put code] | An individual education affiliation item |
/email/[put code] | An individual email address associated with the record |
/employment/[put code] | An individual employment affiliation item |
/external-identifier/[put code] | An individual linked external identifier in another system |
/funding/[put code] | An individual funding activity |
/keywords/[put code] | An individual keyword related to the researcher and their work |
/other-names/[put code] | An individual additional name by which the researcher is know |
/peer-review/[put code] | An individual peer review activity |
/researcher-urls/[put code] | An individual external link to the researcher‚s personal or profile page |
/work/[put code] | An individual research work |
/works/[put code1],[put code2],[put code3] | Bulk individual research works (up to 100) |
Using the section endpoint and put code, you can call the API using your same access token to get that specific item in full. This example call retrieves the full funding item 4413 in XML format using the member API on the sandbox server.
Method: GET Accept: application/vnd.orcid+xml Authorization type and Access token: Bearer [stored access token]URI:[ORCID iD]/funding/4413
The API will return a 200 OK message to indicate that the message was received successfully and return the full XML of the funding item:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<funding:funding put-code="4413" path="/0000-0002-9227-8514/funding/4413" visibility="public" [...] >
You can check the source of an item when reading it if you want to know who added it.