Works in ORCID are grouped together based on both their identifiers and those identifiers‚ relationship to the work. There are four types of relationships:
- Self: the identifier refers solely to that work and can be grouped with other works that have the same identifier
- Part of: the work is part of this identifier and cannot be grouped with other works
- Version of: these identifiers apply to alternate versions of the work and can be grouped with self and version of identifiers
- Funded by: these identifiers apply to the funding for the work. These identifiers are not used for grouping works.
Our API provides support for this in the XSD. Each item has a display index attribute which indicates its rank within its group. The highest display index is the preferred item selected by the researcher. Items added via the API which have not been ranked by the researcher have a display index of 1 and are used as the default preferred source within the group until changed by the researcher. The display index also determines the work order when reading the ORCID record with the API.
For more information regarding grouping on ORCID records, please see our support article.