This section shows how many researchers have registered using email domain(s) the consortia has registered with ORCID. A maximum of five email addresses may be registered.
National Email Domain: What ORCID has for your countries national email domain
Records with national domain: A count of records that have an email address with your national email domain
Email domains registered by members: A list of email domains that are registered by your consortium members
Records by member subdomain: A list of subdomains that are connected to your consortia and how many ORCID records are associated with them. Please note that this number of records may not match the total number of records with your email domain. This could be due to not all email domains registered against your consortia members will end in your national domain
Active records with national domain: Number of active records (signed in or record updated within the last 365 days) with national email domain
Records adding email domain per year: A graph showing the number of records added by per per email domain.