This section shows how many researchers are connected to the consortia country. This will be most relevant to national consortia. Note that information shown may or may not have been added by consortia members.
Consortia Country: Country code of your consortium
Total iDs affiliated with country: A metric showing the total number of iDs in the registry that have the consortia country code within the affiliation section of their record. Includes all affiliations, past and present
iDs with country code: A metric showing the total number of iDs in the registry that have the consortia country code within the biography section of their record.
Total iDs affiliated with country (current): A metric showing the total number of iDs in the registry that have the consortia country code within the affiliation section of their record. Only includes current affiliations, i.e. those without an end date.
Current affiliations (for all iDs with country):A table listing affiliations found on all iDs with country code, broken down by organization ID and type. Only includes current affiliations, i.e. those without an end date.
Active iDs with country code: Number of active records (signed in or record updated within the last 365 days) with consortia country code