Peer review is an integral part of the research lifecycle and is an expectation for most researchers at some point in their career. We launched a beta version of our peer review functionality in 2015, allowing review contributions to be connected to researcher’s ORCID records with as much — or little — information as is appropriate. Since the launch of ORCID API 2.0 this February, all ORCID members who have upgraded are able to connect peer review contributions to reviewers’ ORCID records.
This year we organized a Peer Review Week webinar to discuss ORCID’s peer review functionality and its uptake by the community. We also invited representatives from the ORCID member community to share how their organizations have implemented — or are planning to implement — peer review into their ORCID workflows. View the webinar in full at the ORCID Repository.
The webinar kicked off with an overview of ORCID’s peer review functionality — what goes into a peer review citation on an ORCID record, and how to implement ORCID into peer review workflows. Our Director of Community Engagement and Support, Alice Meadows, then shared statistics on peer review use in ORCID. (See “Peer Review at ORCID – An Update” for more.)
The rest of the webinar focused on how some members are, or will be, using ORCID peer review functionality, with talks by Kent Anderson of RedLink, Stephanie Monasky
of ACS Publishing, Tony Alves
and Alison McGonagle
of Aries Systems, and Chris Heid
of Clarivate Analytics.
Current integrations
REMARQ™ is an online collaboration tool developed by RedLink that allows researchers to annotate, make notes, comments, article updates, and more. Kent Anderson, CEO of RedLink, shared how REMARQ™ + ORCID = Easy Profile Creation. Researchers can use their ORCID account as a sign-in option, and connect their ORCID account to REMARQ™ to import their career history and research output. In the two weeks since enabling the full integration of ORCID record details , REMARQ™ has already seen a jump in its ORCID sign-in usage from 22% to 30% of total sign-ins.
ACS Publications’ Stephanie Monasky (Marketing Manager, Authoring Services) shared in ACS Reviewer Lab Integrations with ORCID an overview of their Reviewer Lab, which was created to train researchers how to review research effectively. Though focused primarily on chemistry authors, this free online course on scientific peer review is open to researchers of all stripes. Researchers connect their ORCID iD to enroll, then complete six 30-minute modules over the course of one month; after assessment reviewers will receive a personalized certificate of completion. In the future, ACS plans to recognize reviewers’ completion of the program on their ORCID records.
Planning peer review in publishing platforms
Aries Systems’ Editorial Manager and Clarivate Analytics’ ScholarOne Manuscripts are already integrated with ORCID to collect ORCID iDs during manuscript and review submission. They shared their plans for integrating ORCID peer review functionality — both with an expected launch date of early 2018.
Aries Systems was an early integrator with ORCID, collecting researchers’ ORCID iDs in its publishing systems. In ORCID Peer Review Integration, Alison McGonagle (Marketing Manager) and Tony Alves (Director of Product Management) introduced two upcoming features on Editorial Manager: peer review recognition on ORCID and an Identity Confidence Score. Journals will be able to configure how to request permission from reviewers, and to set the level of detail in review citations. The Identity Confidence Score aims to increase editor confidence in a researcher’s asserted identity, and will be determined in part by data on their ORCID record.
Finally, Chris Heid (Product Lead, Publishing and Associations) discussed Clarivate Analytics’ ORCID Integration and Peer Review. ScholarOne Manuscripts (S1M) was another early ORCID adopter, and Chris shared that journals using S1M will also soon be able to benefit from ORCID during peer review submission, as journals will be able to require reviewers to connect their ORCID iDs during the review submission. Reviews can already be exported to Clarivate Analytics’ peer review recognition service Publons, one of ORCID’s peer review beta testers. For more on Publons and ORCID peer review, see their presentation from our 2016 peer review webinar.
Want to learn more about peer review on ORCID?
We’re happy to help you plan how you can recognize your reviewers’ contributions on their ORCID records. Learn how to collect reviewers’ iDs and connect review activity to records with our peer review guide and sample workflow, view case studies from our early adopters in our 2016 webinar Peer Review Recognition: One Year Later, and view our Peer Review Week 2017 Webinar. You can also get in touch with the ORCID Community Team for discussion tailored to your workflows.