Step 5 (of 5)
5. Read an ORCID Record (GET)
After writing and updating information on an ORCID record, now it is time to read a summary of everything that is on that record by using GET method.
In this final step we are going to retrieve a summary of everything that is on the ORCID record that we previously added and updated. For this, we are going to use GET method and receive an XML of the record summary.
Return to the browser tab for Google Developers OAuth2 Playground. If you didn’t keep the tab open, you can re-initialize the session with the URL you saved earlier (Clicking OK on the warning that comes up). Or you can set up for the call again by filling all the relevant fields, making sure they look like the screenshots below:
Make sure the configuration has your client ID and client secret
In Step 2 of the Google Devlopers OAuth 2 Playground you should have your access token filled in
It should either still have the token from earlier or you can fill it in from the previous exercise like so:
In Step 3 of the Google Devlopers OAuth 2 Playground click Add headers, enter the values below, then click Add and Close
Header name: Accept
Header value: application/vnd.orcid+xml
The step 3 Configurations should look like the screenshot below:
Set the HTTP Method to GET.
In the request URI field enter :
Replace [ORCID ID] with the iD for your Sandbox record, format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
Note: the endpoint is the word at the end of the URI. In this case we are reading a summary of the whole record so we end the URL with /record as shown above.
Click Send the request
In the Request/Response field you should see an XML summary of the whole record. It will show all the information on the record including the affiliation you added in step 3 of this tutorial. It will look a bit like the example below which shows the first part of the response.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<record:record path="/0000-0003-1481-3160" xmlns:internal="" xmlns:education="" xmlns:distinction="" xmlns:deprecated="" xmlns:other-name="" xmlns:membership="" xmlns:error="" xmlns:common="" xmlns:record="" xmlns:personal-details="" xmlns:keyword="" xmlns:email="" xmlns:external-identifier="" xmlns:funding="" xmlns:preferences="" xmlns:address="" xmlns:invited-position="" xmlns:work="" xmlns:history="" xmlns:employment="" xmlns:qualification="" xmlns:service="" xmlns:person="" xmlns:activities="" xmlns:researcher-url="" xmlns:peer-review="" xmlns:bulk="" xmlns:research-resource="">
<person:person path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/person">
<person:name visibility="public" path="0000-0003-1481-3160">
<other-name:other-names path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/other-names"/>
<researcher-url:researcher-urls path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/researcher-urls"/>
<email:emails path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/email"/>
<address:addresses path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/address"/>
<keyword:keywords path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/keywords"/>
<external-identifier:external-identifiers path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/external-identifiers"/>
<activities:activities-summary path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/activities">
<activities:distinctions path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/distinctions"/>
<activities:educations path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/educations">
<education:education-summary put-code="28758" display-index="1" path="/0000-0003-1481-3160/education/28758" visibility="public">
<common:source-name>Paula Demain</common:source-name>