ORCID is a community effort. We rely on our members to take time and care to integrate ORCID iDs into your systems and communications. We launched the Collect & Connect program to recognize exemplar integrations – not merely technical best practices, but also effective communications about what ORCID is and how your integrations provide value to researchers. This new monthly blog series highlights integrations that have been awarded Collect and Connect badges, and we hope it will also provide you with the resources – and inspiration! – you need to build your own.
To learn more about how to earn these badges, please see our Collect & Connect Program page.
In this post, we showcase members that were awarded badges in July 2017.
ORCID in profile systems
SAMURAI (National Institute for Materials Science)
The National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) is one of the largest research institutions in Japan and focuses on a variety of disciplines and applications in materials research. NIMS has created an ORCID integration in SAMURAI, the NIMS Digital Library, that allows researchers to connect their ORCID iDs to SAMURAI profiles and push works metadata from SAMURAI to their ORCID records. The SAMURAI integration has been awarded the Authenticate and Collect badges.
Scholar@UC (University of Cincinnati)
As part of Scholar@UC, the University of Cincinnati’s digital repository, the UC library has built an integration to collect authenticated ORCID iDs and display them within the repository system. In a terrific case of cross-campus collaboration, the UC Graduate School created “Make Your Research Mark with ORCID” to help UC researchers begin using their ORCID iD and the Scholar@UC integration. Scholar@UC has been awarded the Authenticate, Collect, and Display badges.
ORCID in publishing workflows
KoreaMed (Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors)
KoreaMed is a service of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors that is dedicated to making the research produced in Korea accessible by adopting global publishing and metadata standards, and it launched an ORCID Search & Link wizard earlier this year. The KoreaMed Search & Link wizard is one of the most extensive integration workflows, allowing researchers to search and claim their works from KoreaMed from within their ORCID records. KoreaMed has been awarded the Authenticate, Collect, Display, Connect, and Synchronize badges.
OpenEdition is a digital platform from France that consolidates humanities and social sciences materials from books, journals, and intellectual conversations like scholarly blogs. OpenEdition collects and displays the authors’ iDs with their works as well as pushing publications to their records. They have been awarded the Authenticate, Collect, Display, and Connect badges.
ScholarOne (Clarivate Analytics)
ScholarOne, one of three systems Clarivate has integrated ORCID, is a manuscript submission tool that allows publishers to collect ORCID iDs and display them in author profiles, as well as in exported publication metadata. This publisher workflow earns them Authenticate, Collect, Display, and Connect badges.
ScholarOne is an ORCID-enabled system*, meaning that ScholarOne users can begin using ORCID features and earn the same badges “out of the box” and without building a custom client. If you’re a S1 customer and aren’t yet collecting iDs for your authors, be sure to contact them about getting ORCID set up for your organization!
ORCID in research institution workflows
Royal Society Te Apārangi
The Royal Society Te Apārangi, an organisation for the advancement and promotion of science, technology, and the Humanities in New Zealand, has developed the New Zealand ORCID Hub. The Hub, similar to an ORCID-enabled system, enables all members of the NZ Consortium to collect authenticated ORCID iDs and post verified affiliation assertions into ORCID records. The NZ ORCID Hub has earned the Authenticate, Collect, Display, and Connect badges.
Are you in the process of building an ORCID integration? Would you like to participate in our Collect and Connect program? We want to hear from you!
*A full list of ORCID-enabled systems can be found at our Member Support Center