Welcome to the fourth Peer Review Week, which runs from September 10-14. As one of the founding organizations of this annual event in honor of peer review, we are delighted to announce a few of our own celebrations, which we hope you’ll enjoy!
The theme of this year’s Peer Review Week is Diversity in Review. We welcome all to join the celebrations, and especially organizations outside the publishing community. If you are affiliated with a research funder, a research institution, or other organization, please join us in celebrating how you use and recognize peer review!
This year we’re holding two webinars featuring an overview of ORCID’s peer review functionality plus regional community use cases. Our webinar for the Americas/Europe/Middle East/Africa regions kicked off the week. Held today, September 10, we welcomed Liz Allen of F1000, Stephanie Dawson of ScienceOpen, and Joris van Rossum of Digital Science and Brigitte Shull of Cambridge University Press from the Blockchain Peer Review Project to discuss reviews in their community — we will share the slides and recording later this week. Our webinar for the Asia-Pacific region ends the week. Held September 14, we welcome Jason Gush of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, Kerry Kroffe of PLOS, and Andrew Harrison of Publons to share how they have implemented — or are planning to implement — peer review. Registration is free and we strongly encourage you to attend if you’re interested in recognizing your reviewers’ contributions by connecting their review activities to their ORCID records. We’ll also share the recordings afterwards.
Finally, we will be celebrating Peer Review Week with a series of blog posts: an update on ORCID’s peer review functionality and use; an interview with the Royal Society Te Apārangi on their experience implementing peer review; and more!
Need additional resources to jazz up your own Peer Review Week celebrations? This year’s Peer Review Week Organizing Committee, including ORCID, has created some great Peer Review Week Event In A Box resources for you to use and adapt. And if you haven’t yet done so, please share your plans so that they can be included on the PRW calendar.
As well as the celebrations here at ORCID, many other individuals and organizations globally have organized events and activities for #PeerReviewWeek18, including several ORCID members. Check out this list for more information – and we hope you’ll join in by following @PeerRevWeek and the hashtags #PeerReviewWeek18, and #PeerRevDiversityInclusion.