Step 4 (of 5)
4. Update an ORCID record (PUT)
In the step, you will learn how to use the API to update (change) the information you have previously added to an ORCID record.
In a real-world situation, you may need to update the items that you have added to a researcher’s record. In this example we will be updating the end date on the ‘education’ affiliation we added in the last step.
Note: if you saved the put code for your education affiliation, you can skip to step 4 below. If you didn’t save the put code, please skip ahead to step 5 Reading an ORCID Record (GET) to read the record and get your put-code.
In the Google Developers OAuth2 Playground Change HTTP Method to PUT
Click Add Headers and make sure that Accept and Content-type are both set to application/vnd.orcid+xml
In the Request URI field enter:[ORCID ID]/education/[PUT CODE]
Replace [ORCID ID] with the iD for your Sandbox record, format XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX and [PUT CODE] with the put-code for your education affiliation
Grab the XML from the POST section again and the click Enter request body and paste it in.
Edit the end date for your education affiliation
Click Close.
Click Send the Request.
The results will appear in the Request/Response section at right. Scroll to the bottom – if you see HTTP/1.1 200 OK, your education affiliation was successfully updated! If you see an error message, check that the header values in Add headers have not been changed to garbled text, for example: application%2Fvnd.orcid%2Bxml”
Visit the public view of your Sandbox record at[ORCID ID] to see your updated education affiliation with the new end date populated.
The put-code attribute should be included in the root <education:education> element of the XML payload. This is the correct placement :
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../education-3.0.xsd "
<!-- Education item details go here -->
In a JSON payload for a PUT call, the put-code is included as a key-value pair within the JSON object that represents the item:
"put-code": 66698,
"path": null,
"department-name": "department-name",
/* Add additional details here */