To help us achieve our mission to solve the name ambiguity problem in research and scholarly communications, we want to find out more about what the community thinks and knows about ORCID. Do you have an ORCID iD and, if so, how do you use it? Is your organization an ORCID member or partner? If not, why not? Why are unique, persistent identifiers important in scholarly communications? Would it help to mandate ORCID? And more…
As readers of our blog, you are already familiar with what we do, so we’d love to hear your views of ORCID. Your responses will help us better understand your needs – and those of your organization – and plan for the sorts of future developments you’ll find most valuable.
We ask that you take a few minutes to share your impressions of ORCID, by completing our survey (available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish).
This survey is completely anonymous, offering you the chance to tell us what you really think about the value and performance of ORCID.
We look forward to hearing your views – and we’ll share the results of the survey in a future post!