The services listed here are ORCID-recommended Certified Service Providers (CSPs) that adhere to best practices recognized throughout the research ecosystem. If your service is not on this list, learn more about getting it certified here.

Table of Contents
- Manuscript Submission Systems
- Research Information Systems
- Grant/Facility Application Management Systems
- Repository Systems
- Discovery Systems
- Legacy Certified Service Providers
Manuscript Submission Systems
If your Manuscript Submission System is not on this list, learn about the workflow-based criteria it must meet to become certified. ORCID will help guide you through the certification process, so reach out to us to get started.

Editorial Manager®
Editorial Manager® (EM) is a highly-configurable workflow management system built to streamline editorial processes, communications, and management of files. Trusted by thousands of publications across hundreds of multinational publishers, societies, and organizations, Editorial Manager supports multiple publishing business models for a flexible and efficient workflow.
More information on Editorial Manager
Organization: Aries Systems
Service Type: Manuscript Submission Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name, Biographic Data, Email, Employment
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Peer Review
Syncs with ORCID Registry: No

Editorial System
Editorial System by Bentus Web Technologies is a manuscript submission, peer review and production solution for journals that is relied on by more than 270 journals and 350,000 scientists across 120 countries. Editorial System is integrated with scientific databases, antiplagiarism platforms and payment gateways. It offers individual configuration depending on journal’s workflow and requirements.
More information on Editorial System
Organization: Bentus Web Technologies
Service Type: Manuscript Submission Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name, Employment, Keywords, Country
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Works/Publications, Peer Review
Syncs with ORCID Registry: No

Open Journal Systems (OJS)
OJS is a free and open-source software (FOSS) application for managing and publishing scholarly journals. Originally developed and released by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) in 2002 to improve access to research, it is the most widely used FOSS journal publishing platform in existence, with over 30,000 journals using it worldwide.
ORCID API integration is provided through a plugin that is freely available in the OJS Plugin Gallery, which can be used to collect and authenticate ORCID iDs for users and authors; display authenticated ORCID iDs in manuscript records; and (optional) automatically request that contributing authors provide their ORCID iDs. If configured using the ORCID member API, the plugin can also update authors’ ORCID records with published article information.
More information on OJS
Organization: Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Service Type: Manuscript Submission Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Works/Publications, Peer Review
Syncs with ORCID Registry: No
Documentation: More information on the plugin and how to use it can be found in PKP’s Documentation Hub.

Open Preprint Systems (OPS)
OPS software is used to run a preprint server anywhere, built on the same powerful, flexible foundations as OJS. Therefore, the ORCID API integration is provided through the same plugin that is used with OJS. Researchers can accelerate dissemination with a preprint server where they can upload datasets, revise papers before publication, and link preprints to the final published work.
More information on OPS
Organization: Public Knowledge Project (PKP)
Service Type: Manuscript Submission Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Works/Publications, Peer Review
Syncs with ORCID Registry: No
Documentation: More information on the plugin and how to use it can be found in PKP’s Documentation Hub:
Research Information Systems
If your Research Information System is not on this list, learn about the workflow-based criteria it must meet to become certified. ORCID will help guide you through the certification process, so reach out to us to get started.

DSpace-CRIS is the first free open-source extension of DSpace for the Research Data and Information Management. Differently from other (commercial) CRIS/RIMS, DSpace-CRIS has the institutional repository as its core component, providing high visibility on the web to all the collected information and objects. DSpace-CRIS is built/maintained by 4Science.
ORCID members can set up their DSpace-CRIS installation to allow researchers to link or facilitate the creation of a new ORCID iD, as well as update researchers affiliations and education, and add works and funding to their record.
More information on DSpace-CRIS
Organization: 4Science
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name, Works/Publicationss
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Education, Works/Publications, Funding, Qualifications
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes
Documentation: An ORCID section is present in the technical documentation PDF attached to the software release on GitHub

The Esploro research information management solution drives research impact and improves efficiencies. It breaks down data silos, linking comprehensive scholarly information across all academic disciplines. Esploro makes it easy to showcase faculty work and find subject matter experts, enhance collaborations, attract talented researchers, and boost your institution’s reputation. The wealth of information in Esploro is available for other systems as well, facilitating activity reporting, tenure processes, and national assessment projects, while minimizing the time spent on manual data entry.
More information on Esploro
Organization: Clarivate
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Works/Publications
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Works
Syncs with ORCID Registry: No

InfoEd Global
InfoEd Global’s comprehensive eRA platform helps institutions effectively and efficiently manage their research portfolio. Institutions can configure their eRA systems to allow users to link to their existing ORCID iD or create a new one if needed and authorize the institution to add/update/retrieve data to and from their ORCID profiles. Granular controls allow institutions to add/update education, employment, and awarded funding data to user’s linked ORCID profiles as well as to retrieve works/citation data added by publishers from the user’s ORCID profile into their InfoEd profile.
More information on InfoED Global
Organization: InfoEd Global
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name, Works/Publications
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Education, Funding
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

Intembeko ORCID Hub
The Intembeko ORCID hub is a portal that allows members of the South African ORCID Consortium to read and write information to their researchers, students, and staff ORCID records. Intembeko ORCID Hub allows universities to use an ORCID integrated system without the technical requirements needed to build their own custom integration.
More information on Intembeko ORCID Hub
Organization: TENET South Africa
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name (First Name, Given Name, and/or Credit Name)
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Peer Review activity/service
Other IDs (e.g. AuthorID, ScopusID)
Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Peer Review activity/service
Other IDs (e.g. AuthorID, ScopusID)
Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

IRIS – Institutional Research Information System
IRIS is the software solution developed by CINECA Consorzio Universitario (based in Italy) that simplifies the collection and management of data related to Research activities, publications, projects and products. IRIS CRIS provides researchers, administrators, and reviewers the tools to assess and manage research results, increase their visibility on the web, and effectively allocate available resources. IRIS contains the largest amount of research data for Universities and Research Centres in Italy.
More information on IRIS
Organization: CINECA – Consorzio Interuniversitario
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Works (Publications & Other outputs), Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Qualifications, Works (Publications & Other outputs), Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

MyScienceWork – Polaris OS
Polaris OS empowers institutions with an open-source, fully customisable platform designed to organise research workflows. It adapts to diverse institutional needs, integrating with a variety of external systems to enhance data accuracy and researcher visibility. The system supports comprehensive management of research outputs, funding, and affiliations while promoting open science practices. Institutions can effortlessly link researchers’ ORCID iDs, connect digital objects, and synchronize research activities, maximizing visibility, collaboration, and impact.
More information on MyScienceWork – Polaris OS
Organization: MyScienceWork
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry:
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Writes to the ORCID Registry:
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

New Zealand ORCID Hub
The New Zealand ORCID Hub is a free tool, developed by a team in New Zealand, that allows organisations, both large and small, to connect with ORCID to read from and write to their stakeholders’ ORCID records, with the record holder’s permission.
More information on New Zealand ORCID Hub
Organization: Royal Society Te Apārangi
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry:
Name (First Name, Given Name, and/or Credit Name)
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Peer Review activity/service
Other IDs
Researcher URLs
Writes to the ORCID Registry:
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Peer Review activity/service
Other IDs (e.g. AuthorID, ScopusID)
Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

OBD (Personal Bibliographic Database) oversees academic and creative outputs at Czech Universities. Administered through validations and controls, administrators ensure record accuracy in the application workflow. Verified records are sent to RIV (Research Outputs Registry), a public database in ISVaVaI, compiling scientific research outcomes from Czech research organizations.
Authors enter data independently, aided by a code system to ensure accuracy. The staged workflow facilitates straightforward control and validation throughout the data entry process, including posting data to RIV.
More information on OBD
Organization: DERS, s.r.o.
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Works/Publications
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Education, Works
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes
Documentation: Coming soon

Omega-PSIR is a free software application combining the functionality of CRIS system and Institutional Repository, used by approx. 50 universities. Omega-PSIR is continuously developed by the joined forces of Warsaw University of Technology, Member Universities, and Research Institutions as well as Sages, the company providing commercial software deployment and the support service.
ORCID plugin, developed by Sages, is used to collect and authenticate researcher iDs, display authenticated ORCID iDs, and synchronize research outputs registered in institutional CRIS powered by Omega-PSIR.
More information on Omega-PSIR
Organization: Sages
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry:
Employment, Funding, Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Funding, Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

Pure is a Research Information Management System (RIMS) that brings information from a number of external data sources onto a single platform, enabling institutions to gain a comprehensive overview of all their research activities. Through its ecosystem of interoperable tools, Pure enables institutions to maximize research performance and funding, manage all aspects of research administration to advance funding, collaboration, publication and impact, as well as increasing efficiency in institutional archiving and enhancing research visibility, reliability, sustainability and interoperability.
More information on Pure
Organization: Elsevier
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry: Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment
Education, Qualifications, Works (Publications & Other outputs), Country, Other IDs (e.g. AuthorID, ScopusID), Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

Vidatum Research
Vidatum provides powerful software solutions designed to support institutions in managing and protecting valuable research work. With four key modules—Vidatum Projects, Vidatum Research, Vidatum Ethics, and Vidatum Timesheets—our platform helps administration and research teams streamline processes, secure funding, and ensure compliance.
More information on Vidatum Research
Organization: Vidatum
Service Type: Research Information Systems
Reads from ORCID Registry:
Name (First Name, Given Name, and/or Credit Name), Employment,
Education, Qualifications, Professional Activities(Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions), Funding, Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers), Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Employment, Education, Qualifications, Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions), Funding, Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers)
Works (Publications & Other outputs),Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes
Grant/Facility Application Management Systems
If your Grant/Facility Application Management System is not on this list, learn about the workflow-based criteria that it must meet to become certified. ORCID will help guide you through the certification process, so reach out to us to get started.

Altum is a software company driven towards the advancement of research. ProposalCentral is designed to empower funders, connect the research community and extend the impact of grant-making long beyond the award. ProposalCentral helps organizations unlock the full potential of their funding efforts and deliver outcomes that benefit humanity faster.
More information on ProposalCentral
Organization: Altum
Service Type: Grant/Facility Application Management System
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name (First Name, Given Name, and/or Credit Name), Employment, Education, Qualifications, Funding, Works (Publications & Other outputs), Keywords, Country
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Funding, Peer Review activity/service
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes

SmartSimple Cloud
SmartSimple software is a cloud-based platform that offers a scalable, configurable solution to streamline and automate the management of research funding and grants. It provides end-to-end solutions for grant management and enhances organizations’ efficiency, improves data accuracy, and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, leading to more effective grant management and impactful research outcomes.
More information on SmartSimple Cloud
Organization: SmartSimple Software Inc.
Service Type: Grant/Facility Application Management System
Reads from ORCID Registry: Name (First Name, Given Name, and/or Credit Name)
Professional Activities (Membership/Service/Invited Positions/Distinctions)
Research Resources (e.g. time awarded on telescopes/microscopes/supercomputers)
Works (Publications & Other outputs)
Peer Review activity/service
Researcher URLs (e.g. professional/personal webpages, social medial profiles)
Writes to the ORCID Registry: Funding, Peer Review activity/service
Syncs with ORCID Registry: Yes
Repository Systems
If your Repository system is not on this list, learn about the workflow-based criteria that it must meet to become certified. ORCID will help guide you through the certification process, so reach out to us to get started.
Discovery Systems
If your Discovery system is not on this list, learn about the workflow-based criteria that it must meet to become certified. ORCID will help guide you through the certification process, so reach out to us to get started.
Legacy Certified Service Providers
These CSPs have been certified under our previous criteria and are in the process of recertifying under our new workflow-based criteria.

4Science: DSpace
DSpace is the software of choice for academic, non-profit, and commercial organizations building open digital repositories. It is free and easy to install “out of the box” and completely customizable to fit the needs of any organization. The DSpace software and user community receives leadership and guidance from LYRASIS. The community work and maintenance of the software is ledlead by Governance and the DSpace working groups.

Cambia: The Lens
The Lens is a project of the global non-profit Cambia, which provides free and open tools to improve the use of science in solving important problems. The Lens serves global patent and scholarly knowledge as a public resource to make science and technology enabled problem solving more effective, efficient and inclusive.
The Lens-ORCID integration is implemented through Lens Profiles, which are composite author/inventor profiles that are auto-generated based on the public ORCID record using the ORCID iD as the linking identifier and enhanced with aggregated data from The Lens. Anyone can create a Lens account and link their ORCID account to create and manage your Lens Profile. Using your Lens profile, you can easily find and claim your scholarly works or patents and sync these with your ORCID Record. See the Lens Profiles support post for more information on linking your ORCID account, claiming and syncing your work to ORCID, and managing your Lens Profile.