There are many types of research resources, from single-use reagents to international collaboratives with dedicated facilities. ORCID supports a high-level model that can link to other places for domain specific detail.
There are four high-level resource types:
Resource Type | Definition | Examples |
Infrastructure | A facility, building, or other physical space used to perform research | Neutron spallation source, animal facility, data enclave, archaeological site, telescope array. ships, planes, farms, laboratories |
Collection | An object or group of objects used for research purposes; can be tangible or digital | Ocean mission, field campaign, collaborative data sets or resources, rare book collection; museum collection, biological specimen collection |
Equipment | Hardware used for research purposes | Microscope, computers, glassware, samples, materials |
Service | Services used for research purposes | Proteomics analysis, computing services, data analysis, logistical support, legal services, copyediting, expert or staff advisement |
In addition to resource type, a research resource item within an ORCID record contains the following information. * indicates required items
- Proposal/Registration Title:* This is the main display field for research resources e.g., “Neutron Beam Award” or “Beam time and computing resources”
- Proposal/Registration ID:* This is the public identifier (DOI, PURL, etc.) for the proposal or request to use the resource. Ideally, this identifier should be persistent and resolve to a public landing page with information about the proposal or request, such as an awards database or resource user log.
- Proposal Host(s):* This is the organization that receives and processes resource proposals or requests. Proposal Host may be the same as Resource Host
- Proposal Host Organization iD* This is the public identifier (one of ROR, GRID, Open Funder ID, LEI) for the organization managing the proposal or request process
- Resource(s):* (up to 100)
- Resource Name:* – e.g., “Neutron Spallation Source”
- Resource ID(s):* – from an extensible list of acceptable PID types (e.g. RRID, DOI, URI)
- Resource Type:* – one of ‘Infrastructures’, ‘Collections’, ‘Equipment’, or ‘Services’
- Resource Host(s):* This is the organization that administers or operates the Resource, such as a national laboratory, government agency, or research university
- Resource Host Organization ID:* This is the public identifier (one of ROR, GRID, Ringgold**, Open Funder ID, LEI) for the organization that hosts the resource
- Proposal URL: A link to the proposal
- Proposal Start Date: The date the access started
- Proposal End Date: The date the access ended or will end
* Indicates required field
**Although Ringgold identifiers still exist within the ORCID registry, as of 1 August 2023, ORCID no longer receives updates to the RINGGOLD organization identifier database used by our Registry, nor will we be able to process or use RINGGOLD IDs created after that date. See our FAQ for more info.