Communicating to your users throughout your ORCID integration development project is just as important as the development of the integration itself.
On this page you will find a number of resources to build awareness of ORCID within your organization and to communicate the value of your upcoming integration–and the value of having an ORCID record–to your researchers. We have a wealth of technical documentation to help you with the technical aspects of your ORCID integration.
Quick Links
ORCID Brand Library: messaging, handouts, presentations, and other materials to help you promote ORCID at your organization.
ORCID Brand Guidelines: learn more about how to use ORCID graphics in your own outreach materials.
Start communicating your adoption of ORCID early
As soon as you begin planning your organization’s ORCID integration, you can begin talking to your users about ORCID, and you should continue to promote ORCID up to and after launch. To successfully adopt ORCID, your researchers need to be informed about:
- how ORCID will benefit them,
- how to get their ORCID iD and set up their record,
- why you will be requesting access to their ORCID record, and
- what you will do with their data.

Planning Your ORCID Integration Campaign
It’s helpful to think about and plan your integration campaign in three steps:
- Step 1: Build anticipation
- Step 2: Engage with ORCID
- Step 3: Reiterate key messages about ORCID’s value
Step 1: Build anticipation
Goal: Provide initial ORCID education for researchers and let them know action will be required of them soon.
Start with a clear agreement within your organization about which integrations are available to your researchers and how you want researchers to interact with them. For example, if you are a university library and you are collecting your researchers’ affiliations, please encourage your researchers to:
- Create an ORCID iD,
- Connect their ORCID record to your institutional system and grant you permission read data from/add data to their record as a trusted organization, and
- Receive a validated assertion of their current affiliation with your institution on their ORCID record.
You can use a combination of methods to build your researchers’ awareness of ORCID and let them know they will soon be expected to create or connect their ORCID iD to your institution.
Start with gathering some information. Want to know who’s using ORCID iDs at your institution? This will give you some sample API searches you can use to find out who has asserted on their record that they are affiliated with your institution. You can also access a form that will enable you to learn how many records are associated with your institution’s email domain(s).
Ideas for building anticipation
- Informational bulletin in staff news and research services newsletters [browse our Newsletter Modules for ideas about a newsletter series]
- Blog post [browse our Stakeholder Messaging Kits for ideas]
- Webpage content to add to webpages or LibGuides
- Distribution of ORCID-branded swag, especially to department chairs and other leaders [visit our Cafe Press Store]
Step 2: Engage with ORCID
Goal: Encourage researchers to create or connect their ORCID iD to your institution and give permission for your institution to be a trusted organization.
You have raised awareness of ORCID and its benefits among your researchers, and this is the action phase where you want them to perform a certain task, such as registering or signing in to ORCID and making your institution a trusted organization. In this phase of the campaign, your messages and events give researchers a call to action and help them act on this call.
Ideas for engaging with ORCID
- Email to researchers
- Faculty drop-in events
- Tie-in with on-campus events, such as Back to School, OA Week, etc.
- Introduce an element of competition by keeping a leaderboard of participation by department or organize a prize draw (with ORCID-branded merchandise as prizes!)
Step 3: Reiterate key messages about ORCID’s value to your researchers
Goal: Educate researchers so they know when to expect to use their ORCID account, they understand how to recognize ORCID branding, and they are able explain how re-use of their ORCID iD benefits them.
Now that your researchers have registered for ORCID and connected with your institution, researchers can re-use their ORCID account with other research systems, giving permission for their data to be accessed and updated in order to achieve the time-saving and trust-building benefits of ORCID.
The best times to run key messaging campaigns about the value of ORCID are in the run-up to deadlines for publications and grant applications and during periods when researchers are more likely to be engaging in other scholarly communications campaigns and events, such as Open Access Week, Peer Review Week, and professional development activities at your institution.
Use promotional materials and messages to:
- Raise researchers’ awareness and recognition of the green ORCID iD icon,
- Remind them to sign into their ORCID account when they see the iD icon, and
- Remind them of the benefits of using and developing their ORCID account, including granting permission to trusted organizations to access and update their records (i.e., the benefits of correct attribution and increased recognition for all their research activities and the automatic updating of information when they give permission for this to happen).
Ideas for reiterating key messages
- E-poster deployed as a desktop background or screensaver
- Institution-wide encouragement of ORCID iDs in email signatures
- Presentation/workshop
- Mention ORCID in blog posts about applying for funding
- Mention ORCID during scholarly communications events and presentations
- Distribution of ORCID-branded swag and free downloadable materials at scholarly communications events and presentations
Resources to support ORCID adoption in your organization
The graphic and copy resources we provide can be used for your integrations, ORCID web pages on your organization’s site, email campaigns, or in presentations to communicate the value of ORCID to your own organizational stakeholders. While most of the materials in the ORCID’s Brand Library are published under a CC0 license, ORCID’s name and logos, including the written logo and the iD “icon”, and other trademarks (the “Marks”) are trademarks under US and other laws. Our Brand Guidelines outline more about how to use ORCID graphics in your own outreach materials to ensure the integrity of both ORCID’s and your institutional branding.
- ORCID’s Stakeholder Messaging Kits can help improve understanding and engagement as you embark on your adoption campaign and can even help facilitate better communication among your colleagues. They are intended to form the basis of messaging that you can use on your website, your own outreach resources, and your social media campaigns.
- A Quick Tour of the ORCID Record is a three-minute video that introduces Sofia Maria Hernandez Garcia and her co-author, Li Wei as they submit a journal article and update their ORCID records.
- Presentations and materials includes slide decks and materials from our webinar series:
- iD & Me (researcher topics)
- I’m a Member, Now What?! (member topics), and
- Enabling Value (a showcase of ORCID-certified scholarly service providers that enable fast and simple registry interoperability for ORCID member organizations and other scholarly institutions)
- Infographics