Helping researchers get recognition for all their contributions is an important part of our strategic goal to empower researchers and enrich and advance the research ecosystem. This, of course, includes peer review, which is at the heart of so many research workflows, from grant application to conference proposals to publication. We are therefore delighted to announce that we will again be helping celebrate the important role of peer review in research by participating in this year’s Peer Review Week.
Our plans include:
- Two Peer Review Week webinars featuring an overview of ORCID’s peer review functionality plus regional community use cases:
- The launch of our new integration video on ORCID in Peer Review Workflows
- A week of blog posts on topics in peer review and on this year’s theme, Diversity in Peer Review
We warmly invite the ORCID community to join in our celebrations — and we also encourage you to plan your own!
The 2018 Peer Review Week Organizing Committee (of which ORCID is a member) has created some great Peer Review Week Event In A Box resources that you are welcome to download and use/adapt. We are especially keen to involve organizations from outside of publishing, so if you’re affiliated with a funder, a research institution, or any other type of research organization, please join in the fun! Be sure to share your plans so that we can include them on the PRW calendar.
And we hope that you will all join in the celebrations on social media — follow @PeerRevWeek and the hashtags #PeerReviewWeek18 and #PeerRevDiversityInclusion.