We are delighted to invite you to join us for our next ORCID webinar: The Metadata Round Trip on Friday January 23 at 0800 (PST), 1100 (EST), 1600 (GMT), 1700 (CET).
We have been working with our partners to demonstrate the power and value of interoperation. Auto-updates of ORCID Records have been on our roadmap since the beginning. When a researcher submits an article to a publisher, a dataset to a data centre, or a grant to a funder, that is a great moment to capture an ORCID iD and connect it to the work. When a persistent identifier such as a DOI is minted for the work, the ORCID iD can be included in the metadata describing the work. Then CrossRef, DataCite, or UberResearch can push that metadata into the researcher’s ORCID record – and from there it can be used to automatically update any institutional or other systems that the researcher has linked to their record.
Information flows that re-use metadata free researchers from having to manually update their records, and speed the communication of research works. It’s a great example of the power of interoperability!
Representatives from CrossRef, DataCite, and UberResearch will join us for this webinar. Learn more about their auto-update implementations and plans, and hear their thoughts on the potential of interoperable peristent identifiers to improve the use, sharing, and re-use of research information.
This webinar was held on January 23, 2015, however, a recording of the full webinar is available online through Vimeo:
The metadata round trip from ORCID on Vimeo.