Based on the feedback that we have received from our users, we have made several changes to the way that you interact with works in your ORCID Record.
Quick Delete – you can quickly and easily delete any work on your record with a single click.
Privacy Selection – we have updated our privacy selector to make it clearer who will be able to see your information. The helpful question mark is available to help you choose the most appropriate privacy setting.
Import Works – Formerly the “Import Research Activities”, the Import Works button is now a part of the Works section of your record. If you haven’t tried an import in a while, it’s worth another look! CrossRef and ResearcherID have both added import tools. Adding works has never been easier!
Add Work Manually – can’t yet import a work that you have? We have updated the form to manually add a work! ORCID provides several options for manual additions, though highly recommends the following selections:
- Citation Type: When adding your citation, we recommend using BibTeX format to provide more structured information about your work.
- External ID Type: We accept several persistent identifier types, though there are added benefits to adding a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). DOIs provide automatic linking to the work itself, and provide stronger links to other references to the same work.
There are more updates to come! Keep watching this space for more information.