Global Participation Program (GPP)
The ORCID Global Participation Program is an initiative launched in response to the needs of the community in partnership with our generous partners.
GPP will improve equity of access to interconnected research infrastructure
Universal uptake of ORCID is inherent in ORCID’s mission to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations wherever they are. Current member organizations emphasize the importance of ORCID’s adoption universally around the world, however, although individual researchers in nearly every country have registered for ORCID iDs, organizational membership is lacking in much of the Global South.
The ORCID Global Participation Program (GPP) is an initiative that supports ORCID’s efforts to bridge this participation gap and improve equity of access to interconnected research infrastructure in currently under-represented regions. The ultimate aim of which is to improve the visibility of researchers and reduce administrative burden on both researchers and institutions around the world.
The GPP consists of:
- the Global Participation Fund (made possible by the generous support of our partners) and
- the ORCID-funded Membership Equity Program, provides fee discounts for organizations in lower and lower-middle income countries (LLMICs) who join ORCID as members of a consortium.
ORCID’s GPF Partners
Read more about ORCID’s Partners who have made the launch of the GPF possible by forgiving all or part of their original start-up loans to ORCID:
- AIP Publishing
- American Physical Society
- Cambridge University Press
- Elsevier
- Hindawi
- IOP Publishing
- Taylor & Francis
- Wiley
Global Participation Fund offers two different grants
The Global Participation Fund (GPF) was developed to remedy current gaps in organizational participation in ORCID in countries in the Global South which are currently under-represented. The GPF will initially provide competitive grants under two different grant programs:
- Grants for Community Development and Outreach, which can be used to financially support local partners to build ORCID Communities of Practice in currently under-represented regions; and support local outreach, training, and tech support resources for the creation and growth of ORCID consortia that serve those regions.
- Grants for Technical Integration, which can be used to fund software development to build and update ORCID integrations in open-source systems that will enable or facilitate participation in ORCID in currently under-represented regions and to support the creation of technical documentation, outreach, and support for resources created through the grants.
Awards under both programs will be available in the amount of US$5,000–20,000, with a duration of 12 months.
Get more information about the GPF:
Apply for a GPF Grant
Proposals are now closed please check back later in the year.
The Membership Equity Program (MEP)
ORCID is proud to be joining the many organizations in the scholarly community that have implemented equitable fee models, (including a number of our GPF partners).
The MEP is a benefit offered exclusively to organizations that join ORCID Consortia and will reduce our already discounted consortia membership fees by an additional:
- 80% for organizations from Lower Income Countries (LIC),
- 50% for organizations from Lower-Middle Income Countries (LMIC), and both as classified by World Bank income classifications.
The MEP will also relax ORCID’s normal five member minimum for the first year for new consortia in LLMICs, allowing them to form with a minimum of three members.