Research funding organizations sustain and accelerate research and scholarship. They are a crucial part of the ORCID community, and have been involved with ORCID from our earliest days. Funders engage with ORCID, and encourage their communities to do so by integrating ORCID iDs into their workflows, by stating their support for ORCID, and by implementing policies to increase the adoption of ORCID iDs.
The value of identifiers to funding organizations is clear: funders gather a lot of information about research activities, and identifiers can streamline the process of gathering that information, and help to make it more accurate. Funders use ORCID iDs to make funding applications and outcome reporting easier, to improve the reusability of the information they collect, to ensure the accurate citation of an award (by pushing award information into ORCID records), and to recognize the contributions of reviewers.
The following funders have issued a policy or statement relating to the use of ORCID iDs:
Country | Funder | Comment | url |
Austria | FWF | FWF mandates ORCID for applications as of 2016 | |
Belgium | FWO | Article 14 – Each FWO funded researcher must have a personal ORCID profile and register it with the host institution. This profile can be used by the FWO as a unique reference for the identification of the researcher involved | |
EU | EU | OA & DataManagement Guidelines | |
France | ANR | Roadmap of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research | feuillederoute_mesri.pdf ( |
Ireland | Research Ireland | ORCID referenced in SFI Calls for proposals – sample provided | |
Japan | JST | Some programs request ORCID optionally in the application form. | example: |
Luxembourg | FNR | ORCID requirement for researchers applying for FNR funding | |
Netherlands | NWO | ORCID is recommended in our Persistent Identifier Strategy | |
New Zealand | MBIE | Joint Statement of Principle: Adoption and use of ORCID identifiers in New Zealand | |
Panama | Senacyt | Senacyt ORCID endorsement (2020) | |
Peru | Concytec | ORCID adoption campaign | |
Switzerland | SNSF | ORCID required for all applicants | |
Switzerland | SNSF | ORCID required for all applicants | |
UK | UKRI | ORCID is cited in our plans to reduce bureaucracy | |
US | DOE | PIDs web application providing all of the PID functionality and services that DOE provides | |
US | HHMI | ORCID required for HHMI scientists | |
US | White House – OSTP | Says “funding agencies shall establish policies regarding requirements for individual researchers supported by or working on any Federal research grant to be registered with a service that provides a digital persistent identifier for that individual.” | |
US | White House – OSTP | Public Access Memo – Agencies to “Instruct federally funded researchers to obtain a digital persistent identifier that meets the common/core standards of a digital persistent identifier service defined in the NSPM-33 Implementation Guidance” | |
USA | NIH | ORCID requirement for limited group of researchers | |
USA | NIH | Data Management & Sharing | |
If you are a funder and would like us to include your ORCID policy on this page, or if you are aware of a funder policy that is missing from the list, please contact [email protected].