ORCID integrations use “3 legged OAuth” to authenticate users and request permission to interact with their records. Any integration can ask for read permissions using the Public API. ORCID members can use the Member API to ask for update permissions. It works like this:
- You create a special link
- When clicked, the user is sent to ORCID
- ORCID asks the user to sign in
- ORCID asks the user to grant permission to your application
- ORCID sends the user back to your system with an authorization code
- Your system exchanges that code for an access token
The customized authorization URL includes your client information, as well as the ‘scopes’ that specify the specific areas of their record that you wish to access. After signing in, the user authorizes the connection with your system and is returned to your landing page along with an authorization code. This code is then used to get their ORCID iD along with an access token valid for the requested scopes.
Build the authorization link and get and authorization code
You build your authorization link by specifying your API credentials’ client ID and associated landing page (redirect URI). You choose which permissions to ask for by setting the scope parameter.
The below example requests permission to read limited-access data on the ORCID sandbox testing server. In the real world you display this link on your website, or include it in an email when asking the user to authenticate and authorize. However, for testing purposes you can simply paste it into your web browser. Replace the bracketed data with your client information and be sure to remove the square brackets!
https://sandbox.orcid.org/oauth/authorize?client_id=[Your client ID]&response_type=code&scope=/read-limited&redirect_uri=[Your landing page]
One the user has clicked the link, signed in at ORCID and granted permissions they are redirected back to your site, like this:
https://[Your landing page]?code=Q70Y3A
Exchange the authorization code for an ORCID iD and access token
You should immediately exchange the authorization code for the ORCID iD and access token. The authorization code expires upon use. The request looks like this and cannot be made in a web browser, it must be made by your server.
HEADER: Accept: application/json
HEADER: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
client_id=[Your client ID]
client_secret=[Your client secret]
code=Six-digit code
redirect_uri=[Your landing page]
ORCID will then return the researcher’s authenticated ORCID iD and an access token in JSON format:
"scope":"/read-limited","name":"Sofia Garcia","orcid":"0000-0001-2345-6789"}
Access tokens are long lived by default and expire 20 years after issue. The token can be used multiple times before it expires.
Use the access token
3-legged access tokens are linked to specific ORCID record. To use them, you include them in API requests you make to read or update that record.