Important Notice: The ORCID Registry is currently unavailable while we upgrade our hardware. We expect all services to be back online by 2 pm UTC at the latest. We apologize for any inconvenience.

ORCID Events

ORCID hosts webinars, events, and meetings to provide updates on ORCID and to explore topics of interest to the community.

We also have an on-demand events page you can visit, featuring past events, webinars and resources you can download.



Navigating Challenges in Peer Review: Perspectives from University Presses and Associations

Join us on 24 September for a dynamic and insightful webinar featuring perspectives from universities, university presses, associations, and peer reviewers. This session will delve into the complexities and evolving landscape of peer review in scholarly publishing. Peer review is a cornerstone of academic integrity, but it comes with its own set of challenges, including […]

Event Series Sou membro, e agora?

Sou membro, e agora? — Integrando com ORCID

Nesta sessão, você aprenderá os fundamentos das integrações com ORCID. Compartilharemos as melhores práticas, destacaremos os fornecedores de serviço certificados e a facilidade de integração com eles e discutiremos vários tipos de integrações. Como parte da sessão, indicaremos também as opções para obter suporte no processo de integração. Nem você nem a sua instituição estão […]

Event Series ORCID Global Participation Fund

À la tête du changement à travers le monde avec la lauréate du ORCID Global Participation Fund Université Virtuelle De Côte D’Ivoire

Depuis son lancement en 2022, le Fonds mondial de participation a jusqu'à présent attribué des fonds à neuf institutions à travers le monde afin d'améliorer la compréhension et d'encourager l'adoption de ORCID dans les pays sous-représentés du Sud. Rejoignez-nous pour entendre l'Université Virtuelle De Côte D'Ivoire partager son expérience de demande de subvention, les progrès […]

Event Series Enabling Value

Enabling Value in the Scholarly Ecosystem: ORCID’s Certified Service Program Explained

In 2023, ORCID relaunched our upgraded Certified Service Provider (CSP) program in an effort to better serve our members and providers of scholarly services.  In this webinar, we will explore the key features and benefits of our CSP program across different workflows and system types, including:  Register for this session to learn how ORCID’s CSP […]

Event Series I’m A Member, Now What

I’m a Member, Now What?! — Workflows

The seventh session in our I’m a Member, Now What?! webinar series is all about Workflows. ORCID implementation is different for every member organization, and it may be difficult to distinguish the best workflow for your institution. In this session, we will highlight the basic steps to implementing ORCID identifiers, provide examples of workflows for […]

Event Series Research Integrity

Research Integrity featuring Infolinx

At ORCID, we believe that the global challenge of upholding research integrity is one that requires community-driven solutions. Join us for this provocative webinar series where we invite thought leaders and experts in research, cyber security, and more to share their insights about trends and emerging solutions.  In this session, learn about Infolinx’s distinctive approach […]

Event Series Sou membro, e agora?

Sou membro, e agora? — Como falar sobre ORCID

A quarta sessão  da nossa série de webinars Sou membro, e agora? é sobre como falar sobre ORCID. Como organização membro da ORCID, talvez você já tenha lançado sua integração com o ORCID e esteja se perguntando como pode fazer com que os seus pesquisadores usem mais o ORCID. Ou talvez você esteja desenvolvendo sua […]