Following up on my earlier post about contributor roles, project CRediT, and badges, we are excited to announce our support for displaying contributorship open badges on ORCID records. Contributorship badges help authors claim specific credit for the roles they’ve played in a scholarly work, from authorship, to data analysis, to supervision of the project, among others. They not only ensure that everyone receives appropriate credit for their contribution, but also helps specialist contributors (e.g., of coding or data curation) to be recognized, even when they may not have been included using traditional authorship attribution models.
ORCID collaborated on the badges project with Mozilla Science Lab, BioMed Central (BMC), Public Library of Science (PLOS,) Ubiquity Press (UP), The Wellcome Trust, and Digital Science, among others, to develop a prototype for assigning badges to individuals based on the contributor role vocabulary developed by Project CRediT earlier this year.
Assigning Badges
The process for assigning contributorship badges starts with publishers. BioMed Central and Ubiquity Press announced badging pilots in September; other publisher pilots are in the works. Authors listed on articles included in the pilot will receive an email from the publisher inviting them to participate in the Badges project. These emails will contain personalized links to the Contributorship Badges site where the contributors can select their role(s) from the list in the contributor role vocabulary. Once selected, the badges are assigned, attributed to contributors via their ORCID iD, and then can appear on any system that supports contributorship open badges.
Displaying badges on ORCID records
As part of these pilots, ORCID is now displaying contributorship open badges on works listed in ORCID records. The open badges platform enables a view of the badges assigned for a particular ORCID iD, for example:
Gaik Tamazian
Badges for this ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2931-1123
Also see the machine-readable version
On the public record for the ORCID iD, badges are displayed in the detailed work view:
The Badges platform also enables one to see badges assigned for a particular DOI. For example
Annotated features of domestic cat – Felis catus genome
Badges for this DOI: 10.1186/2047-217X-3-13
Also see the machine-readable version
What’s next?
Anyone can see the all of the badges that have been issued so far at the Contributor Badges site. There are sample links for seeing badges issued to a DOI or ORCID iD, as well as a link to see all of the issued badges. In addition, the site includes information about how you can display these badges on your own site using the Open Badges framework from Mozilla.
The Contributorship Badges project is open source and welcomes contributions from the community to extend and enhance the fantastic code base that exists. You can learn about ways to contribute on the developer contribution project page.