Adoption of ORCID is increasing among institutions, publishers, and funders, as well as researchers – there are now over five million registered users. However, although the number of users is growing steadily, there is a danger that researchers sign up for an ORCID iD, but then fail to make best use of it and of the associated record. Many institutions therefore run advocacy programs and work hard to increase the benefits that ORCID adoption brings their researchers.
Under their Library & Information Science Research Grants scheme, OCLC and ALISE have funded a project at the University of St. Andrews to research ORCID iD uptake and adoption. The Characterizing the Adoption of ORCID iDs project launched in March 2018 and runs through to February 2019. It is based on a pilot study carried out in 2017 that investigated the adoption and use of ORCID iDs by researchers at the University of St. Andrews and identified key use cases and new avenues for advocacy.
Looking for case study institutions
The OCLC/ALISE project is currently conducting a survey at three case study organizations and is looking for up to five further case study institutions to participate, by disseminating a 10-minute online survey of all staff and research students at your institution.
What are the benefits for organizations taking part?
- You get a ready-made and tested methodology to run the survey at your institution.
- The survey and analysis can be tailored to your institution.
- The survey results can help you with either planning ORCID-related advocacy activities or with evaluating them.
- By collecting data that are comparable to other institutions, you will also be able to see how ORCID iD advocacy, adoption and usage at your institution compares to that at other institutions.
- The project can also serve as a mechanism for exchanging information about good practice between institutions.
Where will the results be reported?
The project will present its findings as a final report at presentations in various venues such as the 2019 ALISE Annual Conference. The datasets generated will be published in a suitable repository under a Creative Commons license.
How to get involved
If your institution is interested in participating – or if you’d just like to learn more – please contact Alex at [email protected].