Interest in ORCID is high among researchers in Japan, and we are pleased that the Japanese research community is responding. With the recent addition of University of Tsukuba, Japan now has 10 ORCID member organizations, a mix of universities, national research institutes, funders, scholarly societies, and system vendors. The diversity of ORCID membership in Japan reflects the wide range of community support needed to seamlessly connect researchers with all of their contributions.
ORCID members in Japan
Atlas (since 2013)
Japan Geoscience Union (since 2016)
Japan Science and Technology Agency (since 2013)
Japanese Society of Gastroenterological Surgery (since 2016)
Keio University (since 2015)
National Institute for Materials Science (since 2015)
National Institute of Informatics (since 2013)
Sunmedia (since 2016)
Tokyo Institute of Technology (since 2016)
University of Tsukuba (since 2017)
Back in 2014, when we hosted our Fall 2014 ORCID Outreach Meeting in Tokyo, the ORCID Registry was about to reach 1 million iDs. The meeting was full of participants from the Japanese research community with strong interest in name disambiguation. It was at this meeting that the NIMS Ninja project was first presented, and we are thrilled for its full rollout later this year. More ORCID integrations are underway by other members, including T2R2 (Tokyo Tech Research Repository) and MyJpGU.
Today, we have more than 3.2 million iDs registered globally, over 58,000 of which are from Japan. Of those, nearly one quarter are affiliated with RU11 (a group of top research universities in Japan), three of which (Keio University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and University of Tsukuba) are now ORCID members and supporting their researchers through ORCID integrations in their systems. An increasing number of tweets from Japanese researchers are asking for more support from the community to integrate ORCID into research systems and reduce the time researchers spend managing their research information.
Following our ORCID workshops in Tokyo and Fukuoka in 2016, we are planning to return to Japan later this month to host an ORCID member meeting where organizations implementing ORCID – and those interested in learning more – can share experiences and challenges. Please contact Nobuko Miyairi [email protected], ORCID Regional Director for Asia Pacific for more information about membership and forthcoming events in Japan.