As an organization that is committed to openness (yes, the O in ORCID is for open), we are delighted to celebrate Open Access Week 2016 (albeit a little late!) by publishing our annual public data file.
Every year in October – to coincide with the anniversary of the ORCID Registry launch – we take a snapshot of publicly shared information in the ORCID Registry – ORCID iDs for all registrants, plus name and information about employment and education affiliations, grants and awards, publications and other outputs, and more, where record-holders have chosen to make that data public.
The number of ORCID records has grown substantially in the last year – from ~1.6 million in the 2015 file to ~2.6 million in the 2016 file. Almost 40% of the records have at least one associated work, affiliation, or person identifier. And the number of associated unique DOIs has increased by 60% over 2015, to 7 million. So, lots more data for you to use.
Our previous data files have been used in a number of analyses, including a new university benchmarking study that includes an “ORCID indicator” – the proportion of researchers at an institution that have registered for an ORCID iD and have connected it to their institution – based on affiliation data in the 2015 public data file.
We’d love to hear how the ORCID public data file is being used – please let us know by email or on Twitter (@ORCID_Org).