We are delighted to be once again participating in Peer Review Week, an annual celebration of the importance of rigorous peer review – in all its varieties – to scholarly communications. This year’s theme is Transparency in Review, a topic that is especially close to our heart, since ORCID is all about transparency and openness.
This year’s Peer Review Week, which runs from September 11-17, is timed to coincide with the quadrennial Peer Review Congress taking place in Chicago, IL from September 10-12. One of the events already being planned is a satellite session immediately following the Peer Review Congress, at 5:30 p.m., September 12. Panelists representing researchers, publishers, funders, peer review innovators, and science commentators will be asked to respond to a wide range of questions both gathered in advance of the event and from the audience..
The Peer Review Week website will be regularly updated over the coming months with information about this and other Peer Review Week events and activities, as well as a range of resources and information. Close to 30 organizations, including ORCID, are involved in planning Peer Review Week, and we expect that many others will join in the celebrations with their own activities and events.
Here at ORCID our plans include publishing an analysis of the first two years of our peer review functionality, covering the uptake by and feedback from organizations and researchers; webinars for each region on how and why to implement this functionality; and a series of blog posts about the importance of transparency for building trust in scholarly communications.
We warmly invite everyone in the ORCID community to get involved in this year’s Peer Review Week. We’d especially like to hear from organizations outside of publishing that are willing to share their information about their processes, their experiences and ideas. You can send your contributions and ideas to [email protected] using the subject line Peer Review Week, and including a brief description of any events or resources you would like us to feature on the Peer Review Week website. You’re also welcome to join the conversation online (#PeerRevWk17 and #TransparencyinReview)!