ORCID has a fundamental commitment to serving the international research and scholarly community. As part of that commitment, in 2014 we will be expanding the number of languages supported, and we are very excited to announce that the ORCID user interface is now available in Korean. The translation of the ORCID user interface was made possible through the dedicated volunteer efforts of Senator Jeong, an ORCID Ambassador. He commented, “ORCID is a strong authority control tool for bibliographic data among other things because it allows us to disambiguate very common author names in scholarly works, which is particularly problematic in Korea.”
Users may now register for an ORCID identifier and manage their account in Korean. This augments our current support for five languages (English, French, Spanish, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese), and builds upon capabilities ORCID has offered since launch for adding content, including alternate names, in multiple character sets. We plan to roll out three additional languages in 2014: Portuguese, Russian, and Japanese. Please note that we will continue to offer technical support in English.
Sun Huh, chair of the Education and Training Committee of the Korean Council of Science Editors, remarks that “ORCID is very useful for Korean researchers because many Korean researchers share the same names. The Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) is an ORCID member organization, and is currenlty working to integrate ORCID identifiers into their systems. In addition, many Korean journals are beginning to include ORCID iDs. The Korean Council of Science Editors (KCSE) offered a workshop on ORCID in July 2013 to announce ORCID system and how to make a ORCID XML in JATS XML of scholarly journals, and the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) is working to integrate ORCID iDs as an evaluation item for support of scholarly journal publishing in 2014.
Since ORCID’s launch in October 2012, more than 640,000 researchers and scholars have registered for an ORCID iD. We have users in every country and territory, and members on every continent.
Stay tuned as we announce the availability of more languages throughout 2014!