- Funding type:* The type of funding awarded, This field is selected from a list containing the following values: Award, Contract, Grant, Salary-award
- Funding title:* The title of the funding item
- Subtitle: A subtitle to the funding item
- Translated-title: The title the funding appears under in another language, the language of the translated title is recorded as an attribute
- Description: A description or short abstract of the funded project.
- Amount: The value of the award
- Unique funding identifier: * Add as many of these as your system is aware, as it aids in grouping on ORCID records.
- Funding identifier type: Use grant-number, DOI, URI or proposal-id
- Value of the identifier
- Identifier URL (optional)
- Relationship: self/part-of
This is to indicate the relationship of the funding item to the identifier. For example, if the funding item is for one phase of a multi-part grant, and the identifier is for the multi-part grant, then the relationship would be “part-of”; if the identifier is for the individual phase, then the relationship would be “self”.
- Funding agency (organization):* Information about the organization that awarded the funding
- Name of the agency
- Address (city and country)
- Organization identifier: Supported identifiers are ROR, Fundref and Ringgold** identifiers.
- Start date: The date the funding began
- End date: The date the funding ended
- Contributors information: Information about the individuals who received the funding
- ORCID iD: The ORCID iD of each collaborator to the funding project; this should only include authenticated ORCID iDs
- Role: The nature of the contribution by the researcher
* Indicates required field
**Although Ringgold identifiers still exist within the ORCID registry, as of 1 August 2023, ORCID no longer receives updates to the RINGGOLD organization identifier database used by our Registry, nor will we be able to process or use RINGGOLD IDs created after that date. See our FAQ for more info.