PIDs’R’Us and, if they’re you too, please join us in Girona, Spain, on January 23-24 for two days of PID-filled discussions and celebrations. Together, we will do the impossible – make a meeting about persistent identifiers and networked research fun!
PIDapalooza is for everyone involved in creating or using persistent identifiers and, with more than half the places already booked, now’s the time to register. Like the original PIDapalooza, the pace at the second open festival for persistent identifiers will be fast, the participants engaged, and the atmosphere welcoming.
Brought to you once again by California Digital Library, Crossref, DataCite, and ORCID, sessions are organized around eight broad topics:
- PID myths. Are PIDs better in our minds than in reality? PID stands for Persistent IDentifier, but what does that mean and does such a thing exist?
- Achieving persistence. So many factors affect persistence: mission, oversight, funding, succession, redundancy, governance. Is open infrastructure for scholarly communication the key to achieving persistence?
- PIDs for emerging uses. Long-term identifiers are no longer just for digital objects. We have use cases for people, organizations, vocabulary terms, and more. What additional use cases are you working on?
- Legacy PIDs. There are thousands of venerable old identifier systems that people want to continue using and bring into the modern data citation ecosystem. How can we manage this effectively?
- Bridging worlds. What would make heterogeneous PID systems ‘interoperate’ optimally? Would standardized metadata and APIs across PID types solve many of the problems, and, if so, how would that be achieved? What about standardized link/relation types?
- PIDagogy. It’s a challenge for those who provide PID services and tools to engage the wider community. How do you teach, learn, persuade, discuss and improve adoption? What does it mean to build a pedagogy for PIDs?
- PID stories. Which strategies worked? Which strategies failed? Tell us your horror stories! Share your victories!
- Kinds of persistence. What are the frontiers of ‘persistence’? We hear lots about fraud prevention with identifiers for scientific reproducibility, but what about data papers promoting PIDs for long-term access to reliably improving objects (software, preprints, data sets) or live data feeds?
The program is close to final and there’s something for everyone – from Do Researchers Need to Care about PID Systems? to Stories from the PID Roadies: Scholix; and from The Bollockschain and other PID Hallucinations to #ResInfoCitizenshipIs?
There will also be plenaries by Johanna McEntyre on As a [biologist] I want to [reuse and remix data] so that I can [do my research] and Melissa Haendel (title to be confirmed).
ORCID staff are getting in on the act too, participating in sessions including Anticipation, Action, Awareness: A PID Communications Template For All, Capturing Facilities: PID Recommendations for Identifying Scientific Equipment and Infrastructure, Developers Love PIDs!, Developing PIDs in Developing Regions, Metadata 2020: Harnessing PID Power for the Greater Good, OrgID Update, PIDs in Practice: Peer Review, PID-U-Like, and The Ideal Persistent Identifier World.
We hope to see you in January – register here now!