Over the years ORCID – and our community – have benefited from countless volunteer contributions – from the individuals and organizations that recognized the need for a researcher identifier and helped launch ORCID, and those who participated in our former Ambassador program; to the many participants in our working groups and task forces, and the translators, coders, and others who so generously share their expertise. Today, we celebrate and recognize these contributors and warmly invite you all to continue to help ORCID achieve the vision that you, our community, have charged us with.
As well as helping us spread the word about ORCID, there are a number of ways to get more directly involved with our work, including:
- Standing for election to our Board (ORCID members only, but two places are reserved for researchers from non-member organizations). Terms are for three years, and you can find more information on About Board elections
- Volunteering for one of our task forces or working groups – fixed-term groups charged with a specific purpose. Information is posted on our blog, and a list of current groups is available on our Community page
- Translating the ORCID Registry and/or outreach resources into your local language, reviewing or updating existing translations. Find out more in Translating ORCID for your community
- Sharing print, video, audio, and other ORCID outreach resources for use by other members of the community
- Providing open source code or software that others can reuse and adapt for their own integrations; making significant contributions to the testing and/or development of ORCID’s own code or software
- Suggesting new identifiers* or activity types to be added to ORCID records and working with your community to ensure that these are included in existing taxonomies (such as CASRAI)
As an organization that is committed to openness, we encourage contributions welcome that adhere to our open source principles and levels of involvement, while enhancing the ORCID offering, furthering our not-for-profit vision and mission, and honoring the spirit of our values. In particular, we welcome contributions that benefit broad audiences, conform to established standards (where applicable), and can be implemented by ORCID with little to no financial or other burden. More information can be found in our open source contributions guidelines.
To show our appreciation for everyone who provides volunteer support for ORCID and our community, we are delighted to recognize your contributions through:
- A listing of all current working groups and task forces, including members, on our Community page
- A permanent record of every working group and task force in our repository, with all group members who provide us with their iDs listed as contributors (note: during 2018 we will also be able to add this information to your ORCID record – with your permission)
- Recognition for translation, software, and code contributions on GitHub
- Periodic blog posts about working groups and task forces, translations, Board, activity and other community contributions
- ORCID contributor pins for all participants on completion of a project – wear yours with pride!
- Celebrating exceptional contributions, for example, through our recent ORCID consortia awards
Please join us in thanking everyone who contributes to ORCID – past, present, and future!
* New identifiers to be added may only be requested by ORCID members.