A Portuguese language version of this blog is also available.
ORCID has a fundamental commitment to serving the international research and scholarly community. As part of that commitment, we continue to expand the languages supported in the ORCID Registry, and today we announce the launch of our Portuguese-language user interface.
Users may now register for an ORCID identifier and manage their account in Portuguese. This augments our current support for nine languages (English, French, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Japanese, and Traditional and Simplified Chinese), and builds upon capabilities ORCID has offered since launch for adding content, including alternate names, in multiple character sets. Please note that we will continue to offer technical support in English.
We have already seen a lot of activity among researchers in Portugual. Following a nationwide call last November by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), the national science funder in Portugal, more than 40,000 Portuguese researchers registered for an ORCID identifier within a three-week period. Organizations and over 75,000 works were linked to these records. In parallel, pilots using ORCID data were conducted in two nation-wide systems. In a pilot with the DeGóis CV system, 2000 researchers associated their ORCID to their CV and imported over 8500 publications. A second pilot with the Authenticus indexed publications repository resulted in the researcher-driven import of more than 130,000 publications, which were automatically associated with the authors. The FCT presented these results at a workshop in February, where ORCID was discussed as a component of a nation-wide CRIS eco-system that enabled researcher identification and interoperability among multiple research systems in Portugal, including the RCAAP national Open Access repository. “A publication should be recorded only once and reused multiple times across systems,” said João Mendes Moreira, FCT, unit FCCN.
In addition to Portugal, the Portuguese-language interface is intended to support the Brazilian research community. Abel Packer, Coordinator of the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) bibliographic database and digital library of open access journals, applauds the launch of the Portuguese-language user interface: “The ORCID portal in Portuguese is welcomed as it will facilitate the dissemination and adoption of the ORCID unique researcher identifier throughout Brazilian research communities with all the related advantages. We, at SciELO are preparing a campaign to promote the adoption of ORCID by journals and authors.”
We welcome the partnership with SciELO and others to broaden awareness and use of ORCID among researchers and research organizations worldwide.
Stay tuned for more languages and new features throughout 2014!